How to get rid of perspiring?

The appearance of small bubbles on the skin, accompanied by a sensation of itching, can be a sign of sweating. Eruptions in adults often appear on the skin areas covered by clothing, as a result of the so-called "greenhouse effect". Predisposition to sweating is present in persons prone to fullness and those who suffer from increased sweating. The article contains tips on how to quickly get rid of sweating in different parts of the body.

How to get rid of sweets under the mammary glands?

The skin under the mammary glands of women is most prone to the appearance of sweating. And this is natural, since the areas of the skin under the female breast sweat the most, while diaper rash swiftly, activating the inflammatory process. The arising discomfort prevents to conduct a habitual way of life, besides at a rubbish in the started form probably bacterial infection and a suppuration of fabrics. Significantly reduce the friction of the laundry on the skin helps the liner under the chest of fine-grained cotton. Ladies are best to wear underwear made of natural fabrics.

Equally important is maintaining personal hygiene. In the summer heat it is necessary to use prophylactic powders on the basis of talcum powder for prophylactic purposes, and in case of excessive sweating, use special ointments. If sweating has already occurred, the damaged skin can be dried with a fan or a hair dryer. The emergence of diaper rash is treated with medicinal and folk remedies, including:

In case of skin ulceration, antibacterial ointments can be used:

How to get rid of sweets on the back, stomach, chest, armpits?

Sweating covered body parts of the body should be treated several times a day with a weak solution of some antiseptic:

Large areas of the body can be regularly wiped with hygienic disposable napkins, lotions, phyto-vintages. In addition, it is useful to take warm baths daily with the addition of infusions of herbs (marigolds, turns, chamomile, St. John's wort or celandine).

Not less important:

Patients suffering from hyperhidrosis, dermatologists recommend:

How to get rid of purulent sweating?

Complicated sweating is also treated with the help of drying, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents for topical application, among which:

But, in addition, appointed: