18 weeks of pregnancy - fetal size

The fetus continues to grow actively, its bones grow stronger. The approximate weight of the fetus at 18 weeks is about 230 grams. The calculation of the weight is carried out according to the dimensions determined by fetometry.

Fetometry of the fetus at 18 weeks

BDP fetus (biparietal size) at 18 weeks of ultrasound is 37-47 mm. The frontal-occipital size (LZ) is about 50-59 mm. The circumference of the head of the baby is about 131-161 mm, and the abdominal circumference is 102-144 mm. That is, at 18 weeks of gestation the size of the fetus is the size of a small apple or pear.

The size of the child is 18 weeks old

At 18 weeks, the size of the long bones of the fetus is approximately the following:

Fetal development - 18 weeks of pregnancy

During this period, the fetus continues to form meconium - the original feces, consisting of the remains of undigested amniotic fluid that has been ingested through ingestion, as well as secretion products of the digestive tract. The first departure of meconium occurs normally after the birth of the child. If meconium is found in the amniotic fluid, this indicates a strong hypoxia of the fetus - its oxygen starvation.

The woman is already clearly feeling the movements of the fetus. And he moves very actively - he moves his arms and legs, sucks his fingers, rubs his eyes with his fists. All these movements can be observed on the ultrasound of the fetus, conducted at 18 weeks.

Among the important physiological processes that can not be traced to ultrasound, it is the development of the fetal nervous system. Now his nerves are covered with myelone - a special substance that ensures the transmission of nerve impulses between nerves. At the same time the nerves themselves become more and more ordered, complex and multifaceted.

Develops and hearing - it becomes more acute. Even now the child is able to hear the sounds of my mother's heartbeat, her hiccups. He responds to the rapid pulse with anxiety, while pushing harder and beating.

In the brain such sensitive centers as centers of vision, taste, smell, and touch are formed. With the child you can already talk, sing to him quiet songs, stroke your stomach - he will feel your concern and react to it. How will your negative emotions also feel - fears, anxieties, grief, lamentation. Try not to test them, but just enjoy your position and give your child peace and love.