Cowberry - medicinal properties

For many years people have been using red berries and cranberry leaves to treat various diseases and strengthen immunity. This plant loves moisture, and therefore grows in damp places, for example, in coniferous forests, less often in deciduous forests and peat bogs. All the herbalists know about the medicinal properties of red bilberry. Earlier, when artificial medicines were not created, cranberries were considered to be a berry of immortality, because thanks to their useful properties, the berry cranberries helped people cure many ailments.

Composition of berries cranberries

The cowberry consists of several groups of nutrients:

Due to the large content of acids, cranberries taste sweet and sour. It is quite high in calories, in 100 g of berries contains 45 calories. Therefore, it is clear that in addition to useful properties, the fruits of cowberries also have nutritional value. For comparison, 100 g of oranges - 44, strawberries - 28, figs - 49, peaches - 46.

Medicinal properties of cowberry and contraindications

Lingonberry contains a whole dozen of medicinal and useful properties. In leaves of cowberry there is arbutin - it is a natural natural antiseptic, which provides a disinfecting effect when applied externally. Cowberry is an antioxidant, which means it helps to protect the body (for example, the cardiovascular system) from toxins.

Properties of cranberries complement tannins. These substances have an astringent effect. This allows you to get rid of diarrhea when you use cranberries inside. And for external use it can be used for rinsing, ointments and in the composition of suppositories used rectally.

It is known that the sweet has a positive effect on the emotional mood of a person, but because it is useful to eat cranberries for the prevention of psychological disorders and just a good mood.

Useful properties of the juice of red bilberry show themselves in the treatment of beriberi. With the help of juice, the body is strengthened and toned when:

Juice from cowberry helps reduce blood pressure, improves the intestinal tract with constipation, lowers body temperature and actively removes urine from the body. It is taken with flu and general weakness.

Cowberry jam, especially if taken with tea from lime blossoms, is good for catarrhal diseases. Useful properties of cowberry with honey can be felt by patients with influenza and ARVI, as well as lung diseases. Also, this remedy helps to get rid of the headache and tones the body. To remove inflammation and help to defeat the common cold can be useful properties of waxed cranberries. It can be taken with or without sugar.

Infusions of cranberry leaves have a diuretic effect. They are used to treat kidney and liver diseases, gout and rheumatism. If you make a decoction of leaves of cranberries, then such a remedy can be used to remove stones from the kidneys and gallbladder, treat rheumatism and diabetes. And tea from berries cranberries helps with pulmonary tuberculosis and putrefactive processes in the body, reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood.

It can be said that the berries and leaves of cranberries contribute, at least partially, to the restoration of the body absolutely for any diseases, and you can feel the improvement of your well-being after several tricks of this miracle cure.

Contraindications to the use of funds from cowberries are increased acidity and stomach ulcers. It is prohibited for internal bleeding, poor blood clotting, or an impending operation.