Basalioma - folk remedies

Basaloma is a malignant tumor that forms at the base of the epidermis - the basal layer. As a rule, with this neoplasm, metastases do not penetrate the body, but if the disease is triggered, then tissue, lymph nodes, bone and cartilage can be damaged.

Basalioma and folk remedies

Most often the basal cell affects the skin of elderly people over the age of 60, who rarely pay attention to the appearance on the face, back or chest of the plaque, nodules. After all, the disease develops slowly, and pain occurs only with a significant lesion of tissues. Most often, the treatment is performed surgically, along with drug therapy, but it is possible to slow down the process of increasing the tumor with folk remedies.

  1. Purity . The active substances that are in the plant slow down the process of cell multiplication, so infusions and ointments from the celandine effectively fight the tumor.
  2. Tobacco . Infusion of tobacco and vodka, left in the cold for 10 days, can be used as a compress. It is important not to forget to shake the medicine every day, otherwise the treatment will not be so effective.
  3. Camphor . Camphor (10 g) is filled with vodka (0.5 liters) and insisted until complete dissolution. Such a compress will help get rid of the basal cell and the scar remaining from the wound.
  4. Yeast . It is necessary to dilute the yeast, and put the resulting mass on the wound, covering it with a bandage.

The best way to treat basalioma with folk remedies is not to start on your own. And it is important to remember that "home methods" are effective only at the initial stages of the disease. A triggered tumor can lead to irreversible effects, for example, on the nose it is able to "melt" cartilage, leaving a hole. Therefore, how to treat a basaloma should be solved by a specialist: folk remedies or surgically.

Prevention of basal cell carcinoma

People who defeated the basaloom should observe the following precautions:

Basal cell skin is a slowly developing tumor, and treatment with folk remedies should only be an addition to the main treatment.