Walnut leaves - medicinal properties

Walnut, including fruits and leaves, has many healing properties. So, for example, it promotes resorption of the compartments, restoration of indigestion, improves brain activity, exacerbates perception, stabilizes the work of the liver and heart, removes toxins from the body and favorably affects it as a whole. The plant contains a lot of useful vitamins, acids, essential oils and minerals.

Therapeutic properties and contraindications of walnut leaves

Fruits and walnut leaves are used for recovery in beriberi, hypertension, diabetes, thyroid problems, in case of ailments associated with the liver and kidneys. Taking medicines made on the basis of this plant helps to remove fatigue and restore strength.

Despite the wide area of ​​application, the walnut still has some contraindications. So, it is forbidden to take medicines containing extracts of this tree, people with thrombophlebitis - thrombosis, accompanied by inflammation of the walls of blood vessels. In addition, there is often an individual intolerance.

Treatment with walnut leaves

This plant is suitable for fighting many ailments. Mostly, nut kernels or internal partitions are used. Despite this widespread use in folk medicine have found and leaves.

Recipe for infusion


Preparation and use

Shredded plant pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour, strain. Take one teaspoonful three times a day.

This drug has a multivitamin, anti-inflammatory and restorative properties.

Healing baths

The method, using walnut leaves, is most often used to treat psoriasis . To do this, you need to collect a hot bath and add three glasses of infusion into it. The last component can be replaced with six tablespoons fresh chopped leaves.

The product has an antiseptic effect. It favorably affects the external manifestation of diseases, speeding up their healing.

Such procedures are often carried out for cosmetic purposes. Thus, young walnut leaves have healing properties for hair. They also favorably affect the scalp and the epidermis as a whole. Taking such a bath at least once a week will make the hair strong, restore the natural shine and help to reduce the loss . The skin will become more elastic, a normal color will appear and the general condition will improve.