Crafts for children from plasticine

How to spend time with your baby? The book was revered, the cartoon looked, and the weather does not contribute to long walks. Try together with your child to make crafts made of plasticine. Children are so fond of doing something with their own hands, and the creature, molded from bright and soft plasticine, gives them great pleasure. Let's look at how you can diversify the process of modeling a child, and learn how to create interesting crafts.

Creating crafts from plasticine has great benefits for children. In addition to the manifestation of creativity, the modeling process develops fine motor skills, it influences well the memory, teaches to be assiduous, attentive and patient. Thanks to this entertainment the kid learns the world better.

It should be noted that the child should be ready for the process of modeling. How? It is necessary that he already knew about domestic and wild animals, birds, fish. He also needs to explain what transport is, its varieties, such as fruits and vegetables, etc. And, of course, the child should be able to distinguish the basic colors. Based on this knowledge, he will be able to show creativity, and molding will be more interesting for him. And if the kid often watches cartoons, then for sure he will want to blind his favorite characters. As a rule, children of three years of age are already happy to create their own "masterpieces" from plasticine.

Before we step by step describe how to make crafts from plasticine for children, we want to give advice. For children from 1 year, a soft clay is suitable, also called dough for modeling. He is very pliable, it's nice to work with his kids. But it has a drawback - the details from it are poorly connected to each other, so it is not suitable for modeling complex figures. For older children, who will be interested in creating something uneasy, buy a conventional clay plastic, it fastens the elements well.

Interesting crafts made of plasticine for children

Let's start with a simple one. Plasticine can be combined with other materials, for example, leaves, cones, acorns, seeds, matches, etc. In summer, on the sea, you and your child collected many shells. Why not use them for creativity. Crafts for children from plasticine and seashells can be made on cardboard.

We smaster the turtle. First we will help the kid and with the help of glue we will attach the shell to the cardboard. And now we will offer the child to show creativity and to dazzle from plasticine missing details - a head, paws and a tail. Tell him that the turtle must have eyes. You can make it as a separate figure.

It will not be difficult for a child to make a vase. Help him to cling plasticine with a glass jar or plastic bottle. And further the kid independently and with pleasure will decorate it with seashells and pebbles.

And now we will proceed to crafting for children from cones and plasticine and create a hedgehog. This figure is quite simple:

  1. Cut the bottom of the plastic bottle (4 cm high). Brown clay in small pieces gradually obleplivaem basis. The layer should not be too thin, because it will hold cones.
  2. Take a small pointed cones and attach to the base, pressing into the clay. The trunk is ready.
  3. We make a hedgehog face of a cone-shaped form of white or beige plasticine. From a black material we roll small 3 circles - a spout and eyes. To make the article look more beautiful, you can make a stand for it. On a square-shaped cardboard we will glue several leaves and place a hedgehog on it. You can cut out the leaves yourself.

Crafts for children from plasticine with cones can easily be made by hand. One cone will serve as a trunk for any animal - a hare, a lion, a turtle, a bear, etc. And with the help of plasticine we make muzzles, ears, paws and tails.

From plasticine and chestnut or acorns , you can also make interesting crafts for children: mushrooms, caterpillars, spiders, butterflies, dragonflies, etc. It is enough to connect acorns with clay and add other elements - antennae and wings from different plants.

Today, crafts for children made of plasticine, made on paper, are very popular. Such paintings can be created independently or found on the Internet and print ready-made forms for every taste and any complexity. The child remains to roll balls or sausages from plasticine of a certain color and to supplement the picture with them.

Make this process useful for the baby. Communicate with him. For example, ask: what color do we need plasticine for leaves on the tree, what shape will we have the sun, etc. You can even print out pictures in the form of letters and numbers, then you at the same time in a game form repeat the alphabet and math.

Another interesting kind of crafts for children from plasticine - a mosaic on cardboard. It is enough to put a layer of plasticine on a sheet of cardboard and then let the kid show his creativity. Mosaic is made from shells or other natural material - from cereals, macaroni, seeds, etc.

Often kids themselves are happy to mold various figures. We suggest that you connect to this process and make a Minion. What is needed for this? Plasticine is yellow, blue and black, and quite a bit white and gray.

  1. We take and separate from the block of yellow plasticine the most part (2/3). From it rolls an elongated figure.
  2. From blue plasticine makes a thin cake. We cut out three narrow strips (3 cm long and 0.3 cm wide) and two rectangles (approximately 0.5 by 0.8 cm) from the cake (special plastic paddle).
  3. Also from the blue plasticine we make a circle (2 cm in diameter) and a small figure of a square shape - a pocket for the costume of Mignon.
  4. From black plasticine, we will mold 4 small buttons.
  5. Now we put on Mignon his clothes: the yellow figure in the lower part is covered with a strip of blue plasticine. Below we stick the blue circle and connect its edges with the strip. Above, symmetrically on both sides, stick 2 rectangles - this is the back and front part of its overalls. From the two blue stripes we attach the suit straps and pocket. Do not forget about the buttons.
  6. From the blue plasticine we make the legs of the Mignon. We make two small brusochka, and from the black - small shoes. Put them in place-now our figure has legs.
  7. Now go to the pens. From the yellow plasticine roll out a thin sausage (about 1.5 cm). From the black plasticine we blind the glove and connect it with hands. We also make fingers from black plasticine. On the hands of Mignon should be three fingers. Put the handles in place, under the straps of the overalls.
  8. Now the eyes. From gray plasticine we make a thin sausage and slightly flatten it. From white - 1 small circle and wrap around it a gray detail. The result is a glazik, but you need to stick to it a small pupil of a small detail in black. Let's make the second eye. But Mignon wears glasses. Therefore, from the black plasticine we cut out a strip (0.3 cm) and put it on the glasses.
  9. We'll make 8 thin details of black plasticine and stick the hair in two rows on the head.
  10. Stack draw a smiling mouth - our Mignon is ready!

So, show creativity together with your child and create interesting crafts with your own hands!