Macaroni - composition

Despite the fact that cereals are the basis of a healthy diet, many prefer to avoid eating pasta, considering their composition too harmful and conducive to a set of excess weight . And meanwhile, many recognized beauties, famous for their slim figure, quietly eat pasta and are not afraid to get better.

What do pasta - the composition of the product

The composition of classic pasta, which were invented in ancient times in Italy and Sicily, included only flour and water. The mixed dough was rolled, cut and dried in the sun, the finished product as a result completely preserved all its useful components. Today, in the production of pasta, flour from wheat, rye, buckwheat, rice, etc. is used. The composition of colored pasta additionally includes herbs, vegetable juices and spices.

The nutritional value of different varieties of pasta depends on the ingredients used in the production. The most useful for the body nutritionists consider macaroni from the solid varieties of wheat, tk. they contain a lot of vegetable protein. The energy value of such pasta is 340 kcal per 100 g of dry product. Cooked pasta lose calorie content - 100 g contains about 170 calories.

The combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the composition of macaroni from the highest grade flour in a percentage ratio is - 13/3/83. The carbohydrate portion is mainly represented by starch, which is a complex carbohydrate. That is why pasta is considered an excellent satiating product, which does not lead to a set of excess weight with moderate nutrition.

In addition, the composition of pasta includes vitamins, micro- and macro elements. The vitamin component is represented by vitamins B, PP, E and H. Among the macroelements, the leaders in terms of content are calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, chlorine and sodium, among trace elements - iodine, iron, zinc, copper, chromium, molybdenum, silicon, fluorine , manganese and cobalt.

Benefits and Harms of Macaroni

One of the main advantages over other food products - macaroni has a high energy value . The dish from macaroni perfectly charges with energy for a long time and sates important elements for vital activity of an organism. However, this advantage is fraught with a negative side: with improper or excessive use of pasta, you can gain weight.

When choosing pasta in the store, give preference to products with the simplest and shortest composition, without eggs, milk and various flavor additives that add extra calories and are often harmful. That macaroni did not become the reason of adiposity, they are necessary in the first half of the day, combining not with meat or chicken, but with vegetables.