Healing of the soul - the best ways, time-tested

In modern life, a person faces different life situations, stresses, illnesses and other problems that negatively affect the state of the soul. Every day the situation is only aggravated, so it is important to "clean".

Psychosomatics and psychotherapy - healing of the soul and body

People working with energies argue that the soul and body of a person are interconnected. Even a special table was defined, according to which it is possible to determine the relationship between emotions and various diseases. The healing of the soul and body must be done individually, as this is a personal journey of self-knowledge and spiritual evolution. To do this, use the energy of love, which has tremendous power. The sent love carries out the renewal of the soul and body. Another important point - you need to cleanse the heart of fear, anger and other negative, to make room for warm feelings.

How to heal the soul?

Each person can learn to heal his own inner world to achieve harmony. To begin with, you should study the nature of your soul, which has a feminine origin, and the spirit is a masculine one. To maintain inner energy it is necessary to use imagination, passion, desire, emotion and creativity. Paying attention to the development of these qualities, it is possible to strengthen and heal the female soul.

It is also recommended that we deepen our connection with the Higher Powers by reviewing our perception of spirituality, regardless of religion. Allocate time to things that bring pleasure. It is best to have about five ways that you can give pleasure. To conduct the healing of the soul, it is recommended to learn to relax, for which use meditation.

Karmic healing of the soul and body

Psychics claim that every action and emotions of a person are reflected in his karma and have negative consequences. The doctrine of karma says that each person builds his own future, so it is necessary to work on your thoughts and emotions. Esoteric healing of the soul is positioned as a daily work on oneself. It is best to work together with a specialist, but there are a few tips that will be the first steps in the right direction.

  1. Exclude from their lives the mass media, which clog the human brain and soul.
  2. Stop showing discontent about others and yourself. In such a situation, it is recommended to present a bowl of water in which you can drown the negative.
  3. Learn to control your thoughts, because they often lead to commit stupid acts.
  4. Conduct healing of the soul by meditation, using different techniques.

Meditation of the healing of the soul and body

Adherents of alternative medicine believe that the energy of Qi flows in a person, which must constantly be in motion, but often this becomes unreal due to numerous obstacles. Thanks to regular meditation, you can remove all the blocks and achieve a uniform movement of the energy flow. In addition, a person will get rid of mental problems, and normal functioning of internal organs and systems will also occur.

It gives meditation to the healing of the soul and body, most importantly, to direct the Qi energy to the problem place in order to start the self-healing mechanism. It is necessary to sit in a comfortable position and relax, in order to feel the movement of energy through the body. It is important to feel how it gets into every cell. To direct energy it is necessary in a place where the maximum pressure is felt. You need to meditate until you feel lightness in the body and inner harmony.

Mantras for healing the soul and body

The human word has a tremendous power that can influence a person, both in a positive and a negative way. With their help, you can be treated for various diseases, not only physical, but also mental. Ancient prayers have a huge healing power that can influence a person. During the pronunciation of the mantra, certain vibrations of different frequencies are created. They do not feel physically, but they can be caught by ear. Vibrations improve the work of the whole organism and strengthen immunity, and healing of wounded souls and renewal of energy is also taking place.

To start reading prayers is necessary in the period of the waning moon, if you need to get rid of some disease, and continue the action for 21 days. If the goal is to improve, the best period is the growing Moon, and the duration is the same. It is better to chant the mantra either in the morning or in the evening. Preliminarily it is recommended to relax and cleanse the head from extraneous thoughts. You need to repeat the words 108 times. The text of the mantra is the following: "RA MA DA YES SA SAY SOHANG".

Movies, Healing Souls

Modern cinema produces a huge number of films and among them you can find pictures that will help you find peace, relax and get a boost of energy for future accomplishments. If you want to heal the soul, then you need to choose films of melodrama. Although people and different tastes, you can identify really worthwhile paintings:

  1. "Cherbourg umbrellas", France / Germany, 1964.
  2. "Awakening", USA, 1990.
  3. "Diary of Memory", Canada, 2004.
  4. "A Memorable Walk", USA, 2002.

How to heal the soul - Orthodoxy

Priests say that in the first place a person has a shower, and then, a body. To remain so, it is necessary to restrain one's thoughts and control actions. Through faith in God, you can receive forgiveness and healing. It is recommended to visit the temple regularly and confess. For the healing of the soul, Sacrament is performed when anointed with oil, calling for the grace of God.

Heals the soul and body with a bell ringing, which literally permeates a person with energy and warmth. Listening to sacred melodies can cope with all fears, anxieties and bad thoughts . Has a bell-ringing positive effect on health, improving the work of the heart, the state of blood vessels, metabolism, and also strengthening immunity. It is best to ring the bells live.

Prayers for the healing of the soul and body

Existing prayer texts contain in their text a request sent to the Higher Powers to purify themselves from their sins and be shielded from temptations. It is important, with the help of prayer, to rebuild the consciousness so that the illness does not return. You can address directly to God or use mediators, for example, the guardian angel, the Virgin and the saints. The prayer for the healing of the soul and body for the children is read before the image of the Mother of God "Tikhvin." The Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon helps from all illnesses, both physical and psychological.

Priimi, oh, the All-Blessed and Almighty Lady Madonna of the Theotokos, this prayer, with tears You now bring from us, unworthy of Your servant, To your purposeful image singing sending with affection, As for You Himself of our existing and enduring prayer to ours. In accordance with the petition, the execution is done, the grief is facilitated, the gratitude of the gifted to the frail, the healing and healing of the sick, from the demoniac demons are driven away, offended by offenses, you rid yourself of the leprosy cleansed and the little children are milueshi; yet, to Madame the Lady of the Mother of God, and from prison and dungeon you are liberated and all sorts of passion by doctors: all the truth is possible by your intercession to your Son, the Christ our God. O, All-pervading Mother, Holy Mother of God! Do not cease to pray for us unworthy of your servants, glorifying thee and worshiping thee, and those who worship with affection for Your pure image, and the hope of those who have it will not return, and the faith of the Ever-Virgin is more glorious and immaculate, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.