Feng Shui Office

A businessman is not a profession, but a vocation and a life path. A good businessman and a family man concurrently have precise concepts about the rules and their compliance. Accordingly, the feng shui office is not an empty word for such a person.

The room in which the workplace of the head and his team is located. Sometimes, it becomes one step in the values ​​that the home, because in the office you have to spend most of the day and sometimes a weekend. And besides this, the situation should not only be pleasant for a regular stay in it, but also favor the enterprise and the business in it.

To the big ship the corresponding tuning

To merit the attention of future employees and make them worry about competitors will help to design an office for feng shui focused on your business.

If you are an agrarian person, you need decorations of the elements of the earth, office work associated with flights require the support of the symbol of air, water favors everything that may be associated with it.

With these definitions, the choice of office color for feng shui or its individual zones is also associated.

As the saying goes: "houses and walls help," so why not do the same in the office ? After all, an incorrectly chosen interior can, in fact, become the main reason for the lack of organization of the collective, frequent quarrels and dismissals. In turn, feng shui mascots for the office can contribute to the development of your business in a short time.

No feng shui does not work

And do you know that in China, no office opens until all the nuances of arranging furniture and toning the feng shui office area into working order and attracting profits are agreed?

It takes into account not only the internal state, but also the location of the doors, the length of the corridors, the windows.

Unfortunately, it's hard to pay attention to such things in our country. As for the opening of their company often selected premises for rent, are already ready for use and attention is paid to the financial part of the transaction, rather than specific construction plans. But to soften the situation will help office feng shui amulet.

You can use the energy of plants, which symbolize life, harmony, friendliness, complicity. Water mascots (decorative fountains, aquariums, water columns) will charge the room with vital energy and increase efficiency. Wooden figurines attract wealth and successful deals.