Grass centaury

Zolotosysyachnik - a medicinal plant from the family of gentian. It is a source of natural bitterness, and also contains flavonoids, oleanolic acids, glycosides, gencianine alkaloid and chromium salts. For medicinal purposes, the herb (leaves and stems) of the centipedes is mainly used.

Therapeutic properties and use of herbs

The plant produces such positive effects:

  1. Promotes better digestion and increased appetite, due to the content of bitterness.
  2. Improves peristalsis of the intestine and has a laxative effect.
  3. It has a tonic effect and a restorative effect.
  4. Helps improve the performance of the heart muscle.
  5. Has a choleretic effect and helps to reduce gallbladder irritation in cholelithiasis .
  6. Beneficial effect on the liver and kidneys.
  7. Has anthelmintic effect.
  8. It has antiseptic properties. Due to this it is used for rinses with tonsillitis, stomatitis, other diseases of the throat and oral cavity. In addition, with external use of the broth, it helps to accelerate the healing of wounds, ulcers, helps with rashes and eczema.
  9. It contributes to the removal of harmful substances and toxins from the body, including antihistamine in certain types of food allergies , is used to combat toxemia in pregnancy and is included in the collection to combat alcohol dependence.

Contraindications to the use of herbs

A thousand-square millimeter, as well as herbal collections, in the composition of which it enters, are contraindicated when:

When taking herbs, a hundred-thousandths must comply with the dosage, because excessive use of it can cause indigestion. In combination with alcohol can cause serious poisoning.

Herb of a thousand-thousandths of alcoholism

The grass of the gold-bearing mill due to the desensitizing properties is significant degree contributes to the elimination of cravings for alcohol, as well as the removal of toxins from the body, the elimination of alcohol withdrawal and hangover syndrome.

In the treatment of alcohol dependence is used both in pure form, and in a mixture with thyme, puppeteer, bitter wormwood, field horsetail, hoof.

In pure form, the herb is brewed at the rate of 2 tablespoons per cup of boiling water and drunk throughout the day in 3 divided doses.

The choice of additional herbs to the golden-mill is carried out on the basis of individual characteristics of the organism.