Rennie in Pregnancy

Probably, few people can boast that during pregnancy they did not suffer from heartburn. The most unpleasant sensations in pregnant women, associated with the transfer of acidic contents into the esophagus, occur in the first and third trimester. Rennie is the drug of choice for heartburn all through pregnancy, since it does not have a detrimental effect on the future mother and her baby. We will try to consider in detail how Renny works during pregnancy, the features of the application, contraindications and possible side effects.

Can Rennie be pregnant?

To understand whether it is possible to recommend Rennie for pregnant women should understand the features of the work and the composition of this drug. So, this drug is able to neutralize excess acid in the stomach, while it is not absorbed from the surface of the mucosa, and, therefore, does not enter the blood.

Rennie is used as a symptomatic therapy, since it eliminates not the cause of the disease, but only its symptom. Of the important properties of the drug Rennie, which allows it to be taken by pregnant women, is the absence of aluminum ions in its composition. Rennie in pregnancy, according to reviews, does not cause constipation and does not disrupt the work of the intestines.

The antacid preparation under consideration consists of calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate and, when ingested, breaks down into magnesium and calcium salts. Relief is noted within 4-5 minutes after taking Renny. Partially the drug is excreted in the urine, and most of it in the form of insoluble compounds is excreted with feces.

It should be noted that Rennie is effective not only with heartburn, but also with other dyspeptic symptoms ( nausea , flatulence, belching, gravity in the epigastric region).

Rennie in pregnancy - instruction for use

Rennie is recommended for pregnant women at the first symptoms of heartburn, but it is not advisable to take more than 16 tablets a day. If after the use of a pill an attack of heartburn has repeated, then you can repeat the reception of Renny in an hour. The detailed description of the drug indicates that the use of Rennie future mother may be from 2 months of pregnancy, and children up to 12 years of age this drug is contraindicated.

Contraindications and side effects when using Rennie in pregnant women

Contraindication to the use of this drug is an allergy or an individual intolerance to any component of the drug. Another contraindication is the disruption of the kidneys, as part of Rennie is excreted in the urine. It is not desirable from heartburn during pregnancy to take Rennie more than the maximum allowable dose, since there may be symptoms of an overdose. These symptoms will be caused by an excessive increase in the blood of calcium and magnesium. An overdose of Rennie can be manifested by nausea, vomiting, weakness in the muscles, and its cancellation will get rid of these symptoms.

It should also be noted that Rennie should not be taken with iron preparations, since it neutralizes the effect of the latter.

Thus, having become familiar with the features of the action, the effect on the pregnant woman's body, contraindications and side effects, one can confirm the existing opinion that Rennie is the drug of choice for heartburn.

Of course, taking the pill is the easiest, but we should not forget about other ways to get rid of heartburn. Receiving mineral water Polyana Kvasova, rich in sodium bicarbonate helps to eliminate heartburn for a future mother. A glass of warm milk or raw seeds can be an alternative to Rennie's constant intake. Despite the relative safety of this drug, all the same before taking the advice of a doctor.