Curlers of boomerangs

It's no secret that girls, who are naturally endowed with magnificent hair, often try to give their hairstyle smoothness. Owners of direct hair, on the contrary, in every possible way strive for curls, resorting to various achievements of the hairdressing industry. Luckily, the hair that rolls on, it turns out, can easily be turned into beautiful curls. To do this you will need curler boomerangs.

What is a curler boomerang?

Boomerangs are called cylindrical sticks with flexible wire inside. The outer layer can be made of foam rubber or soft rubber. They are easy to bend, which makes the use of such curlers extremely simple, despite not an unusual form. It should be noted that with constant winding foam will quickly become unusable, it may crumble or break through. If you expect to do tresses every day, it is better to buy rubber boomerangs, they are much more durable. When choosing in advance, think about what result you want to achieve, and pay attention to the thickness and length: for long hair, short sticks will be uncomfortable when winding, small boobs need small boomerangs. Feel free to improvise, because curlers are much safer for hair than a curling rod or tongs.

How to use curler boomerangs?

The first question that invariably arises in the head of a fashionista when she sees such unusual curlers - how to wind curler boomerangs? In fact, only at first it seems that it is difficult, the main thing is to know a few secrets.

Before use, wash and dry your hair. If you wind the wet strands, the curlers are deformed, and the period of their operation is significantly reduced. On slightly damp hair, apply the styling agent so that the result is preserved longer. For an ideal hairstyle, you should comb the strand and twist it with a tourniquet, then the curl will be more magnificent and natural. It does not matter whether you start from the roots or the ends of your hair, the main thing is that the tail of the harness is under the string and does not get out from under it. At the end, the ends of the boomerangs are bent to the middle, forming "bales". For accurate curl, you should start winding from the crown, trying to ensure that the curlers are horizontally and exactly in relation to each other. The final stage is to splash with varnish and do something for 2-3 hours. You can do the perm for the night, but then it's better to use foam rubber curlers, because on rubber boomerangs it's not very comfortable to sleep.

Awesome result

Now, knowing these little female tricks, it will be easy for you to wind hair with curler boomerangs. Hairstyles, which are the result of a wave, are easy to execute and natural. After removing the hair curlers, it is enough to run a few combs over the hair with a comb with sparse teeth to obtain excellent firm curls. Also, the separation of the strands can be done with your own hands, run your fingers into locks and lead from the roots to the tips. If after removing the hair curlers hair is shaken, apply a little wax for fixation. A hair spray will help keep the hair on for the whole day.

Fantasy and skill are your main assistants when creating an image. Small curls or large large curls - to choose you. Feminine curls, in the opinion of the majority, look much more festive and exquisite, which means they will attract attention to their owner more than once. Catch interested views from men who are envious of women, and do not tell how easily you achieved such an amazing result.