Hair growth activator - the rating of finished products and home recipes

Weakened, exhausted strands - this is the scourge of modern society, because the activator of hair growth is so in demand. You can use both purchased and homemade remedy. For greater effectiveness, its use must be combined with the intake of a special vitamin complex.

Why slowly grow hair?

There can be many reasons for this. That's why hair does not grow:

  1. Genetics - the speed of increasing the length of the strands is inherited. In addition, scientifically proven, the natural length of the head of hear depends on race. Owners of the longest hair live in East, North and South-East Asia. Representatives of the Negroid race have very short strands. Europeans also have curls of medium length.
  2. The lack of vitamins and microelements - this problem is especially urgent in the winter and spring period. A greater damage to the state of the head of hair causes a deficiency of iodine, silicon, zinc, chromium. Before using the hair growth activator, you need to pass a mineralogram.
  3. Trichological problems - they can include seborrhea , alopecia and other pathological conditions that slow the growth of strands.
  4. Chronic lack of sleep - when a person sleeps, the hormone melatonin is intensively produced in his body. He has a strong influence on the condition of the hair. Due to constant lack of sleep strands become dull, thinning and stop growing.
  5. Reception of antibiotics - these drugs disrupt the intestinal microflora, creating "holes" in the body's defense system. As a result, toxins enter the bloodstream. Reaching the hair follicles, they destroy them, which is why intense hair loss occurs. In this case, the growth of strands can not go on.
  6. The hair is split - the growth speed of the strands can be normal, but due to the fact that the tips break off, the length of the head of hear does not increase.
  7. Excessive stress - detrimental to both short-term and "long-playing" nervous overvoltage.

Can I accelerate the growth of hair on my head?

On average, for a month the hair length increases by 1-1.5 cm in length. With such a rate, it becomes impossible to grow a braid after a short haircut. For this reason, girls are trying to find out if it's possible to speed up hair growth. To achieve such a result is quite possible, and the following tips will help in this:

  1. You need to eat right - strands are almost 90% composed of keratin. To activate hair growth, you need to enrich the diet with protein food.
  2. The body should receive a special vitamin-mineral complex. In pharmacies are sold special additives, which are designed to accelerate the growth of strands.
  3. You should do scalp massage - during this procedure increases the flow of blood to the hair bulbs. As a result, the growth of strands accelerates.
  4. It is necessary to abandon low-quality styling means - in cheap products, mainly silicones and acrylates are used. The first easily washed off with shampoo. Acrylates also create a thick film on the scalp, preventing hair follicles from obtaining oxygen and nutrients.
  5. It is necessary to use shampoo with keratin - this substance will "repair" all damaged rods, making strands more beautiful and healthier.
  6. Use a comb made of natural materials - the ideal option is that made of beech or juniper.
  7. You need to give up the hairdryer and ironing.

Means for hair growth - TOP

Specialty stores and pharmacies sell a lot of masks, serums, shampoos and other products, which use a considerable increase in the length of the strands. In the composition of such products, hair growth activators are necessarily present. More often they are represented by components that enhance blood circulation: hot pepper, ginseng extract, citrus extracts and so on. In addition, such drugs can contain substances that stimulate cellular metabolism and improve the structure of the hair shaft.

The trichologist-dermatologist should select such products. He will take into account the condition of the scalp and strands. However, it is not enough to choose a suitable tool: it is still important to use it correctly. Even the best hair growth activator will not give the desired result (and in some cases it will do any harm) if it is not used as intended. To enhance the effect, professional products can be used simultaneously with folk remedies.

Shampoo-activator of hair growth

Such means have a unique composition. Each such product is aimed at eliminating one particular problem. Professional therapeutic shampoo is not available as a 2-in-1. In addition, it is not intended for everyday use. To apply such a remedy should be strictly at the direction of the trichologist. To enhance the effect simultaneously with it, you need to use other means of this line: balms, masks and so on.

Choose the best hair growth activator will help here this product rating:

Lotion-activator of hair growth

To the effect did not take long to wait, you need to choose a tool that includes such components:

After applying the activator, it can not be washed off, so the owner of a fatty hair type should prefer a lotion with a light consistency. Based on numerous reviews, the rating of the best medicinal products was formed:

Tonic-activator of hair growth

Such cosmetics are produced by different brands. The best for hair growth on the head are the following:

Hot mask-activator of hair growth

This cosmetic product simultaneously affects the basal area and strands. However, there are cases when it will have to be abandoned. Contraindications are as follows:

Especially popular are such hot masks:

The best vitamins for hair growth

It is necessary to fight the "sleep" of the head of hear not only from the outside, but also from the inside. This is where special vitamin and mineral complexes come to the rescue. The most effective means for hair growth contain the following components:

The best are considered such vitamin-mineral complexes:

Tablets for hair growth on the head

Preparations in this form of release are in great demand among women and men. Pharmaceutical products for hair growth are presented in a wide range. However, the trichologist must prescribe them. The doctor knows which pills for hair growth for women are more effective, and will take into account possible side effects during their selection. More often prescribed such drugs:

Serum-activator of hair growth

This cosmetic product combines the properties of a styling product, conditioner and mask. Such an activator of growth of "asleep" hair is easy to use. In addition, it does not need to be washed off: it creates a thermal protective film on the surface of the strands. The greatest demand for this drug for hair growth:

Folk remedies for hair growth

By themselves, such "drugs" are ineffective. Trichologists recommend using them as an auxiliary. For home hair growth, homemade products can be used:

Recipe for pepper activator

Ingredients :

Preparation, application

  1. The ingredients are combined and mixed thoroughly.
  2. Apply the composition with massaging movements on the root part.
  3. Cover the head with a food film and warm it with a towel.
  4. After 30 minutes wash off with shampoo.