Exercises for a thin waist

A thin waist is one of the indicators of a woman's body. Alas, many can not achieve the "wasp" of the waist, not only because of lack of dedication and zeal, but for a variety of reasons. Even the best exercises for a thin waist do not guarantee a 100% result.

Why does the waist thinness depend?

Before we begin exercises for a thin waist (which, of course, can somehow change the appearance), let's talk about the sad - the circumstances under which the aspen waist will not be reached:

Rules for doing exercises for the waist

But, nevertheless, exercises are the right and the only way to make the waist thinner. One way or another, and to some extent, they still help and with all the unfavorable prerequisites of nature.

The opinion about the effectiveness of the exercises on the press for a thin waist is considered erroneous. Pumping the press every day, you can only expand the scope of your body. The muscles of the press, while in a tone, support the waist, but do not make it thinner.

It is much more important that the initial complex of exercises for the thin waist necessarily contain cardio-loads, because there is a rule - fat from the waist will come down only when it is no longer on the rest of the body. Combine cardio and strength exercises in your workouts. Cardio helps warm up muscles, and strength training will strengthen the nearby muscles of the press.

Before training it is necessary to do warm-up, and after training - to stretch. Warming up protects against stretching of muscles during training, and stretching - from pain and accumulation of lactic acid after. In addition, it is the stretching that makes our muscles, strengthened from strength training, elongated, feminine, and not bloated, like bodybuilders.

And, perhaps most importantly - do not trust your waist with slopes. Girls do inclines to the right and left without end, hoping that they will burn fat on their sides. This exercise can and should be done to warm up, but if you bend the stick, with the help of the slopes you will develop the lateral muscles of the press, which means that you will not be narrower, but wider.


  1. Legs shoulder width apart, knees bent, hands in front of you. We begin to twist the case to the right and left. Preheat the press before further exercises.
  2. The legs are bent at the knees, hands in front of him, we sit on the floor. We make a turn, bend the right hand and touch the elbow of the floor. We alternate turns on both hands - 16 times.
  3. The position of hands and body remains unchanged, legs are torn from the floor at a right angle to the body. We repeat the reversals from exercise 2 with raised legs.
  4. Complicating: fixing the position of the body in the previous exercise, repeat the turn with the body and hand, while straightening the opposite leg. We alternate sides, perform 16 times.
  5. We lay down on the floor, the left hand behind the head, the right one is set aside. On four accounts we stretch the right hand to the right heel, then to the four accounts we return to the FE. Repeat - 8 times. We change hands.
  6. We lay down on the back, hands along the body, legs are half-bent and raised, four legs are wound over the head, tearing off the pelvis from the floor. Then we return to the four accounts in the IP. Repeat 8 times.

Exercises for the waist should be done at least four times a week, combining with cardio loads.