Ingrown hair after hair removal

With the advent of various types of hair removal, ingrown hair becomes common. Ingrown hair on the legs and other exposed parts of the body have a non-aesthetic appearance, and moreover, they can leave pigmented spots. The ingrown hair in the bikini zone is particularly troublesome, not only because of external changes, but also because of the itching accompanying the inflammation.

To date, more and more girls and women are facing this problem. And in order to solve it you need to understand the mechanism of ingrown ingrown hair after epilation. Then you can determine for yourself how to deal with ingrown hair and prevent their appearance.

Ingrown because of hair removal hair appear due to two factors - densification of the skin and hair weakening. When the skin coarsens, the hairs can not sprout through it, bend, and continue to grow, only already inside the skin, or in a circle. At the site of ingrowth, there is inflammation, there is a strong itch. The same can happen if the hair becomes weak - it can not germinate through the skin and also changes the direction of growth. What to do if you began to appear ingrown hair, you must decide based on the causes of the problem. If a certain method of hair removal is the cause of ingrown hair, then try using other methods.

That after hair removal did not appear ingrown hair, you need to follow some recommendations.

Against ingrown hair you will be helped by special products that exist in the form of creams, gels, sprays. They are used to care for the skin to prevent undesirable consequences. The most convenient means of ingrown hairs on the legs are special wipes, which simply wipe the skin after epilation. Sometimes, even with the implementation of preventive procedures, after hair removal, ingrown hairs appear. This may indicate either an incorrectly chosen method of hair removal, or the use of unsuitable skin care products. In any case, ingrown hair should be properly removed so that the problem does not become regular and does not affect the mental and physical well-being.

Removal of ingrown hair

How to get rid of ingrown hairs may suggest a specialist who is engaged in epilation. He will help to choose a good tool and explain in detail how to take care of the skin.

It is also better to entrust a specialist and treatment of ingrown hair, as improper actions can aggravate the situation. Remedy for ingrown hairs should be selected with care, to ensure that there is no irritation or allergic reactions. At home, ingrown hair is removed with tweezers and needles, which must be thoroughly disinfected. With self-removal increases the risk of scars and pigmented spots from ingrown hairs. Therefore, it is more reliable to apply to specialists and remove hair after hair removal in specialized cosmetology cabinets. In no case should you try to pull out or squeeze out ingrown hair - this will increase inflammation and not solve the problem.

The ingrown after hair removal hair problem is common, but easily solved. Approach professionally to the procedure for removing unwanted hair, adhere to the rules of skin care before and after hair removal, listen to the advice of specialists and then you will be able to avoid problems associated with ingrown hairs.