Than to treat a cough in a child 1 year?

Cough in young children occurs quite often. This unpleasant symptom can be a sign of a huge number of colds, including pneumonia and bronchitis, laryngotracheitis, whooping cough and other ailments. In addition, in some cases, cough can be triggered by the effect of an allergen on the organs of the upper respiratory tract.

When a cough occurs in a child at the age of 1 year, parents are often frightened and do not know what to treat. In the range of pharmacies today presented a huge number of different medications designed to get rid of this unpleasant symptom, however, each of them is intended for use in certain situations.

To understand how to cure a cough in a child aged 1 year, it is necessary, first of all, to see a doctor. Only a qualified doctor will be able to conduct a detailed examination and identify the true cause of the disease, from which it will be possible to choose suitable medications. In this article, we will tell you what kinds of child coughing exist and what can be given from a child in 1 year to facilitate its condition depending on the cause of the disease.

Types of cough

All young parents should understand that cough itself is not a disease, so you do not need to treat it. In most cases, the cough reflex in a child works when his body needs to remove excess mucus, dirt, a cluster of pathogens or a foreign body from the lungs, bronchi, trachea, larynx or nose.

That is why such a productive or moist cough should not be treated, however, to alleviate the condition of the baby, it is necessary to give expectorants that dilute sputum and facilitate the process of removing all unnecessary.

At the same time, there is an unproductive kind of cough, when as a result of coughing movements nothing is removed from the child's organism. In this case, a strong cough only tires the crumbs, contributes to the violation of his sleep and often provokes vomiting. Under such circumstances, treat the underlying disease that caused this unpleasant symptom, and cough itself is necessary as soon as possible under the strict supervision and guidance of a pediatrician.

How to treat a severe cough in a child in 1 year?

Cough remedy for children aged 1 year should be selected, based on the necessary action of the drug, namely:

Among all medicines of these three categories, the safest and most effective for young children aged 1 year are the following:

  1. Mucolytic agents - Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Bronchicum, Ambrobe, Bromhexine. All of them are available in the form of syrup and can be used not only for oral administration, but also for inhalation by a nebulizer as directed by a doctor.
  2. Expectorants - Stoptussin, Gedelix, Linkas, Muciltin and licorice root. Most of these medicines are made on the basis of extracts and extracts of medicinal plants, so they are practically safe for infants. Nevertheless, self-medication with the use of drugs in this category should not be dealt with.
  3. Soothing means, suppressing cough activity, at this age are used extremely seldom and only by appointment of the attending physician.

Finally, in some cases, you can get rid of a child's cough at the age of 1 year with the help of folk remedies, for example:

  1. It is effective enough onion jam, which is a blender crushed onions, combined in equal proportions with honey. Before use, the product should be allowed to stand for at least 1.5 hours.
  2. Decoctions of medicinal plants, such as mother-and-stepmother or plantain.
  3. Compresses for heating from camphor oil, mashed potatoes, badger fat or a mixture of honey and mustard.
  4. Chest and foot massage .