The kitten does not go to the toilet "in large"

Very often in forums and in personal conversations, pet owners complain that their kitten does not go to the toilet "in large" for three or more days. Such a state frightens - and suddenly it will become bad or it will negatively affect your health. What is the reason for this phenomenon, and what to do? And anyway, how often should the kitten go to the toilet ? Obviously, this should happen every day, like all living things. But if this does not happen?

Why does the kitten not go to the toilet?

The reasons for which the cat does not go to the toilet for several days, a few. First of all, the digestive system still does not work well for babies. In addition, this can be the manifestation of stress from weaning from the mother and changing the situation.

So, the reasons can be connected with the wrong diet, improper work of the intestine and the fact that the kitten lives in a state of stress.

How to help the kitten if the cause is in the improper operation of the intestine?

Sometimes it happens that a young kitty, who gave birth for the first time, does not know how to behave with kittens and refuses to feed them and lick them. During licking, the mother stimulates the intestine, increasing the flow of blood to it. Thanks to maternal care, babies get rid of gases that stagnate and do not go out on their own.

And if you have a kitten deprived of motherly attention, you will have to do a tummy massage yourself. To do this, take a piece of soft tissue or fleece, moisten in warm water and begin longitudinal movements from the head to the back legs to massage the kitten. Movements should be soft and smooth.

How to help if the kitten is constipated from stress?

Very often the kitten stops going to the toilet after moving to a newer place of residence. He feels stress from a change of scenery, a new master, a mother's loss. Sometimes the cause of stress is a strong fright. In such cases, the kitten may not go "for long" to 5 days. Do not worry until this time.

To quickly, your new family member feels comfortable and does not feel stressed, treat him with maximum affection and affection. Surround him with care, try not to frighten the baby with loud sounds and sudden sharp movements. Over time, he will certainly learn in the new house, and the constipation will pass by itself.

If there are small children in the house, you do not need to let them in to the kitten for the first time - they can scare him, without realizing it. Soon the kitten will get used to all household members and will cease to be afraid.

If the cause of constipation is malnutrition

The main cause of problems with defecation in kittens is associated with a change in diet, when you excommunicate it from a cat. New food for the body is unfamiliar, it takes time to get used to and adapt to more rigid food and a new diet.

Ask your former owners what the kitten ate, what his tummy reacted normally, and what became the cause of constipation . The first days try to stick to such a diet, until the baby starts to properly handle the need. Then start to gradually introduce new products, diversifying the diet. Combine ordinary food with bran - they help to split and crush food in the process of digestion and push the stool masses through the intestines.

Since cats are predatory animals, their diet should contain meat. You can enter it from a month and a half. Boil and grind it before giving the kitten.

Do not give the kitten a potato - it often becomes the cause of constipation. Like adult cats and cats, young individuals can not cope with the digestion of starch.

If your kitten, despite all your efforts, and does not start going to the toilet "for a long time" even after 5 days, it is worthwhile to seek qualified help from a veterinarian.