Deep design - fashionable novelty in nyl-design

The neil industry is developing with leaps and bounds. If ten years ago, masters could offer clients only a different color palette and ordinary drawings, today their range of possibilities is constantly expanding. Deep design is another interesting novelty.

Stencils deep design

This new, but very popular technology is in great demand. And if you notice the transparent outlines of different figures and figures on the nails of others, this is exactly what will be discussed. The name of the technique came from English and means "deep design". If you look closely, the images created by this type of design really look bulging and bulky.

Dip-nail design is a modern technology based on the use of special stencils . The main advantage of the technique is the speed of drawing, its originality and the correspondence to various subjects. Stencils are a square or rectangular plate with sticky slots of a certain shape. Each sheet is dedicated to one specific topic, for example:

Stencils deep design - how to use them?

As already mentioned above, it is very simple to create a bright and interesting nail art with the help of this technique. He can even beginners, follow the instructions how to use stencils for dip design:

  1. First, the nail plate is prepared, during which the cuticle and the old coating are removed.
  2. After that, the nails are covered with a base, which is dried in a UV lamp for 1.5-2 minutes.
  3. Then, using a fine brush, carefully apply a colored gel-varnish in two layers, each is dried separately.
  4. The selected stencil is separated from the adhesive base with a tweezers or a needle, glued to the gel-lacquer.
  5. On top, it is covered with a gel-varnish, colored or colorless, and dried for at least 2 minutes.
  6. After this, the stencil is carefully removed from each nail. The nails are then topped and finally dried.

Nails design deep

Nails deep design almost instantly became very popular among women of any age. The unusual brevity of the image, which can be used as the basic decor of a manicure, and an additional element, looks stylish and very fashionable. By the way, described stencils can equally effectively apply to create two types of cute drawings:

Negative space

Stencils can be successfully used to create a very relevant manicure with an empty space that has already been breaking popularity records for several seasons. Lacquer, as if applied to "bare" natural nails, looks impressive and bright. If you want to be in a trend , do not be afraid of experiments, applying a negative space manicure. Easy to use stencils and your own imagination - to help you. In technology it is important after the outlines of the contours and the removal of the image to cover the marigold with a colorless varnish.

Volumetric manicure deep design

The application of volumetric elements to the nail is another relevant trend of the nail industry, which needs to be addressed this year. The elements above the flat surface impart brightness and expressiveness to the nail art. And if the template, which is chosen as a basis, corresponds to your image in the subject matter, then it can well become its final point.

Unlike the transparent negative space, the voluminous manicure with a deep design template is covered not with a layer of colorless top, but with a special modeling gel paste. It is carefully applied after the previously selected template is removed from the nail. The paste is filled with the vacant space to obtain a three-dimensional shape that projects slightly above the contours.

Manicure deep design - ideas

Using templates in itself is original, but making your manicure unique, individual, not like everyone else is easy, if you combine this new word in nail art with other interesting techniques:

  1. Expressive dip design on a matte background, especially if it's dark colors - black, purple, blue.
  2. Summer is a time of bright colors. Negative space nail art in red to the site will decorate cute strawberries or cherries.
  3. If you like contrast, try combining a transparent and voluminous dip design in one manicure. It can be the same and different images dedicated to one topic.
  4. Lovers of the unusual will like templates in the form of puzzles, they can be done both voluminous and transparent.
  5. Going on vacation at sea , give preference to templates in the theme - anchor, ship, umbrella, ice cream, starfish, etc.
Fashion ideas for deep design