Menu for weight loss from a nutritionist

Diets have long and firmly entered our everyday life, because many people, wanting to gain harmony, tighten their belts and "sit down" on a diet. But as soon as the put period (week, two weeks, month) ends, the figure returns to the usual lush forms.

Of course, the most rational solution would be to help a dietician lose weight, but not everyone can get it. What do dieticians recommend for weight loss? The only way out they call the menu of proper nutrition , which you need to follow all your life, making exceptions only occasionally. Such weight loss will allow you to lose weight slowly, but confidently, without stress, remaining a healthy person. Easy weight loss, according to nutritionists, should last several months, and a person at the same time must fully eat, and not starve.

Menu for weight loss from a nutritionist

Next, we describe the approximate menu of a nutritionist for five days, which allows you to lose weight correctly.

The first day:

Second day:

Day Three:

Day four:

Day five:

That's all, this balanced menu will replace you weight loss with a dietician and will not require iron aging for fasting.