Why do muscles ache after training?

During exercise, muscles require much more energy than at rest. The body gives it this energy, splitting carbohydrates and fats. If we speak in a scientific way, ATP is synthesized in our body - the energy for our muscles. This process can occur both with the presence of oxygen, and anaerobically. However, if the physical activity is too intense, it is exactly aerobic. When there is no oxygen, the probability of side secretions - including, and notorious lactic acid - increases. Here we are as close as possible to the question of why muscles ache after training. There are two answers.

Lactic acid

If the muscles ache strongly after the workout, the cause of inflammation, which is caused by the presence of lactic acid. Depending on what kind of load you have performed, lactic acid can last for up to 24 hours in your body. With force, blood circulation is inferior, some parts of the body suffer from a lack of blood. Lactic acid is deposited here, and as a result, causing painful searing pain for a maximum of a day.

Not lactic acid

However, many write off to the account of lactic acid and longer pain. If the muscles ache after training for a long time, that is, from two to four days, lactic acid has long since left our body and the muscles ache because of what she left behind. Due to her presence, muscle fibers could be damaged and deformed. There are muscle gaps that provoke the beginning of catabolism, as a result, until the gaps heal, the muscles will ache.

At the site of the ruptures a scar appears, this increases the muscles in volume, but how do they hurt! Scarring means that you have been doing very intensely, either that you are a beginner and your body is not yet accustomed to the load.

Constant pain

If the pain does not subside, and you are already almost accustomed to the constant pain of the muscles after training, stop for 3-4 days, until the pain disappears completely. If it hurts, it means that it has not yet healed. While you give rest to one group of muscles, engage another. Constant intensive load and lifting of heavy weight leads to micro ruptures in muscles. If you do not let them heal, you can only hurt yourself. If such breaks are formed every time after classes, then you have exceeded your permissible possibilities, the load should be raised gradually.

What to do, so that the muscles will not hurt?

To stop muscle aches after training, you can use one of the following means. First, you can take a bath with sea salt. This relaxes the muscles and removes excess fluid from the body. Sea salt contains many healing ingredients that not only speed up the regeneration process, but also relax you psychologically.

You can also use a relaxing massage, the main thing is that it does not cause pain. You can do stroking, stretching movements.

Do not forget also that the muscles should not always hurt after training. Pain is possible only if you are a beginner or have not been engaged in a long time. With a harmonious increase in the load, the pain is excluded.

In addition, prevent the appearance of painful sensations can be a full warm - up . Before the start of the main exercise program, the muscles should be warmed up properly, then there will be no breaks. A normal recovery after strength exercises will provide stretching of muscles at the end of training. Even if you do not have a goal to sit on the twine, do not leave your muscles without the curative effects of stretching exercises, otherwise the muscles begin to "clog", the circulation of blood from constant intense exercises is broken, and the wounds do not heal.