Design of a living room in an apartment

For most modern apartments, the living room or, as it is often called, the hall is the central room in the house where the whole family gathers for recreation or meeting guests. And competent design design of such a room - the task is always difficult. Let's discuss current ideas for the living room in a modern apartment.

Do you need a living room in the apartment?

It is not necessary to have a place for family meetings in the bedroom or study. Ideally, the living room should be the living room, with its usual interior features: a comfortable sofa or armchairs, a small table, a good TV or a home theater. Seating seats in the living room should be no less than that of your family members, and the best option is to acquire practical modern transforming furniture.

But it's one thing if there are a lot of rooms in your dwelling and you can decorate everything as you like, and it's quite another - if you live in a small apartment where the living room will have to be combined with another functional area (for example, with a canteen ). But this option has the right to exist, especially in conditions of limited square meters.

How to arrange a living room in an apartment?

First of all, you should choose the style in which your living room will be framed. It can be absolutely anything at your discretion, but do not forget about the following:

For a small room is suitable for a style such as high-tech, minimalism, art deco or even Scandinavian. It is possible and even necessary in such a room to use various methods of visual expansion of space - bright decoration of walls and floor, well-organized lighting, the use of mirrors, etc.

But the spacious living room can be decorated in a more noble style - classic or retro, Empire or Baroque, etc.

Think about what will become the center of your living room - a large or, on the contrary, a compact (possibly folding) table around which the whole friendly family will gather, video equipment surrounded by soft furniture or a large fluffy carpet where children will play. An excellent decoration of the living room in the apartment is also a fireplace, which would perfectly fit into the design of this room.

Even if your living room is a fairly spacious room, it does not build cumbersome cabinets and walls in it, as was customary 20 years ago. Fashion does not stand still, and now designers prefer large open spaces, lots of air and light. And those things that you want to put on the public display - books, paintings, figurines and other small items - can be placed on gypsum boards or compact shelves, standing along the walls or dividing the room into functional areas.

The most comfortable and relaxing environment will help create a living room design in light, pastel colors. When choosing a color scheme, consider not only your own tastes, but also the natural light, the side of the light that the room is oriented to. What matters is the rhythm of life - if you are a pronounced extrovert and often take noisy guest companies, you can "color" your living room in brighter colors. But it is optimal, of course, to stick to the golden mean and give the room a cheerful and at the same time noble appearance.