How to glue the linoleum back to back?

Often the old linoleum breaks down, and to give the room an attractive look again, we decide to put a new floor covering.

If the width of the linoleum is not enough for a seamless floor covering , then you have to put it in several strips. Naturally, there are seams between them, which must be glued together. For this purpose, several methods have been devised - hot and cold welding of three types.

The method of hot welding is applicable only if there is a construction hair dryer, and the linoleum itself should be designed for this. Usually so weld a linoleum in public places with the big passableness or on manufactures.

In residential premises, usually a linoleum is placed, which simply can not withstand heating to such high temperatures, which requires the method of hot welding. In a word, we will not consider this method in detail, but turn to a simpler, domestic method of cold welding.

How to glue linoleum back to back at home?

So, as it was already said above, cold welding can be of three types: A, C and T. What they differ in and what is the peculiarity of each - let's find out.

  1. Cold welding type A: is applicable provided that you put fresh PVC linoleum. The glue that is "welded" has a liquid consistency, so that even the smallest cracks can be eliminated. The glue acts like this: it melts the edges of the linoleum and thereby welds them, after which all the joints become completely invisible.
  2. Cold welding type C: it is used when it is necessary again to glue the seamed seams on the old linoleum. The consistency of the glue is thicker, so that it fills a wide gap and reliably secures linoleum sheets. This way it is possible to seal seams up to 5 mm wide.
  3. Cold welding type T: suitable for such complex cases as gluing together linoleum on thick felt soles. This glue is used by professionals. After application, it forms an elastic transparent connection.

How to glue a house linoleum buttock - master class

So, in order to glue the seams between the linoleum linens at home, you will need such tools and materials:

Preparatory work

First you need to properly prepare the edges of the linoleum, which will be subsequently glued together. Apply overlapping bands - overlapping should be several centimeters. Clean the edges on both sides with a cloth. To protect the linoleum from the glue, we glue it with paint tape first from below, then from above.

Align the stripes of linoleum and cut them with a knife on a metal ruler, immediately cutting through two layers. In order not to scratch the base, pre-lay under the linoleum plywood.

Another way is to join two strips, stick adhesive tape on them, cut it with a clerical knife along the line of the junction between the linoleum linens.

Bonding linoleum

We turn directly to the question - how to glue the linoleum back to back. When all the preparatory work is completed, it remains neat to apply glue between the two strips. Press the needle of the tube into the slot and go through the entire length of the seam. The solution (adhesive) should protrude on the adhesive tape by about 5 mm. Press the tube gently so that the glue is applied evenly.

After 5-10 minutes, the adhesive tape can be removed, and the resulting bumps of glue cut with a sharp knife. Full hardening will occur after 2 hours. If you did everything correctly, you will not see the place of the seam - it will be neat and inconspicuous.