Symbols of Feng Shui

Our ancestors were intelligent people. They perfectly understood that mysterious natural forces can really influence the life of an ordinary person. When in Europe the majority of people still ran in skins, the Chinese managed to create a powerful civilization. We have not yet managed to unravel all its secrets and mysteries, encoded in ancient manuscripts, but the science of feng shui has not perished, and modern Chinese people have successfully used its advice to this day.

Where should I put Feng Shui symbols?

First of all, it is desirable to divide your apartment or private house into zones, because the disorderly arrangement of magic items will not help anyone. Feng Shui claims that there are eight main directions, and each of them is responsible for a certain sphere of life:

Best of all, if you pick up a normal compass. Using this simple ancient device, you quickly and accurately determine in which direction your rooms are located in the house. Only then the mistress will be able to properly arrange all the main five elements, and activate the zone. In some areas, you can have water or metal, but it is not recommended to install a ground element. Where the water and the tree have a positive effect, candles or lamps (fire power) are not at all suitable. Feng Shui is a very difficult science, where there are many subtleties that you also need to know. Therefore, it does not help those people who think that everything can be solved by a simple purchase of funny figurines.

The basic symbols of Feng Shui:

  1. Symbols of love for feng shui . Many people had these flowers. The Chinese also believe that if you hang an image of peonies at the entrance to the bedroom of an unmarried girl, it will help her to find a pair more quickly. Love attracts asters, carnations, lilies, roses, lilacs, irises. Not only live plants are used, but also their image. There is an opinion that for a married couple such a symbol is not very suitable, an excess of love energy can enable its owner to deserve honor, to push for treason. Symbols of love are also paired figurines of various animals - pigeons, cats, swans. It is believed that the crystals activate the forces of the earth, so for these purposes it is necessary to use crystal balls, gray pebbles with strips, various stone figures.
  2. Symbols of wealth by Feng Shui . This zone is in the southeast and it is connected with the elements of the tree, which helps the elements of water. Maybe that is why talismans depicting fish are used in China with great respect. We got the popularity of another statuette - a frog, which is also a symbol of feng shui. Even as a money symbol, which can be located here, often use a live money tree (pebble) or an artificial plant with a coin-leaf.
  3. Symbols of health by Feng Shui . Three great starets were honored in China long ago. Sho-Sin was responsible for longevity and health, and the other two for raising children and well-being in the family. They can be put separately, but together they have great power. It is good to have in the house a crystal lotus, a stone or porcelain peach, an image of a crane, lotus, bamboo.
  4. Symbols for a career in feng shui . Turtle in the East was considered a wise animal, a symbol of longevity. This talisman attracts luck and brings stability. The symbol of the turtle by Feng Shui protects the owner from many troubles, so it must be kept in his office. With a career associated with the elements of water, so the figure of a sailboat, a glass fish, a fountain will also help you attract good luck. The symbol of a horse in Feng Shui will help its owner to deserve honor, a good reputation of a business man, brings success in business and become a successful person.

Ancient philosophy is good because its advice can be applied in practice anywhere in the world, not necessarily only in the East. Each of us can look around and eliminate the obstacles that prevent him from living normally and achieve success. A big role here is played by special symbols of Feng Shui, capable of invoking happiness, prosperity or love. Try to use them correctly, and luck will always accompany you.