Developing games for children 9-10 years old

Modern schoolchildren study and do homework is a huge amount of time, so in moments of rest they want to play fun and exciting games. Of course, the boys and girls will spend this time in front of the monitor with pleasure, but this does not always suit their parents.

You can rest with benefit and interest without ever turning to electronic technology. In this article, we bring to your attention several educational games for children of 9-10 years old, which will allow them to relax and at the same time learn new skills and abilities.

Developing games for boys and girls 9-10 years old

Both for the boy and for the girl in 9-10 years such developing games are suitable, such as:

  1. "Guess the Word." You and your child should make up any word from a certain number of letters, which must be discussed in advance. After that, take a sheet of paper and a pen, and let your offspring start the game - he will write any letter from the word he made and give it to you. You must assign to the letter of the child any letter of the word you have enunciated from the beginning or from the end, and then again to return the course to the son or daughter. So, alternately, it is necessary to enter letters until one of the players guesses the word of their opponent.
  2. "Who is bigger?". Make a specific topic, for example, "boy names". The child should start the game by offering any word related to this topic - Sergei, Ilya, Lev, and so on. Call the words in turn, making sure that there are no repetitions. The first one who can not think of anything, is out of the game.
  3. "Writer". Take any book and open it on a random page. The child, closing his eyes, should point a finger at any word, and then come up with an offer in which it is present. Next, you likewise choose the word for yourself and continue the story of your offspring so that you do not lose the word you got. With the developed fantasy and imagination of both participants, the story can turn out to be very entertaining.