Wandering nerve - symptoms and treatment problems

The nervous system is the most complicated in the human body, any deviations in it invariably affect the health and functioning of certain organs or parts of the body. If the vagus nerve is affected, then the consequence may be a whole "bouquet" of disorders and diseases, so it is very important to identify the problems in time and correctly carry out the treatment.

Where is the vagus nerve?

Hearing the notion of "wandering nerve", many are interested in why it is so called. In scientific literature for the definition of this nerve can be found the term "Vagus", derived from the Latin vagus - "wandering, wandering". This name was given due to the fact that this nerve trunk is very long, has a lot of branching, spreading in most of the human body.

Vagus originates in the skull, in the medulla oblongata. Passing through the tissues of the neck, through the thoracic region, it branches to the heart and lungs, and then descends through the aperture in the diaphragm to the stomach, intestines and other organs of the abdominal space. The wandering nerve is part of the twelve pairs of nerves that branch off from the brainstem, and has the ordinal number X (10).

CNS: Vagal Nerve - Scheme

The wandering nerve is the largest nerve, it is multifunctional and consists of secretory, motor and sensitive fibers. The functioning of the vagus provides many reflexes, vital functions of the body. All his activity is connected with the autonomic nervous system. Here is an incomplete list of actions and processes controlled by the vagus nerve, which show its importance:

Wandering nerve - diagnosis

If you suspect a violation in the tenth pair of nerve plexuses of the head, it is required to know the mechanism, causes and its degree. For this, the neurologist prescribes a number of instrumental studies, which may include: computer or magnetic resonance imaging of the brain (MRI of the vagus nerve), x-ray examination of the skull and thorax, electrocardiogram and some other techniques. During the examination, the specialist uses the following techniques to identify dysfunctions and assess their degree:

Wandering nerve - symptoms

Given the breadth of the spectrum of functions, the defeat of the vagus nerve affects the work of many systems and organs. The disorder is caused by various factors, including tumors, traumas, surgical interventions, poisoning with poisonous substances, infections, severe chronic ailments. Symptoms of the disease of the vagus nerve are largely determined by the fact which his site was violated. Consider the likely clinical manifestations depending on the zone:

1. Cranial region:

2. Neck area:

3. Thoracic department:

4. Abdomen:

Inflammation of the vagus nerve - symptoms

Inflammation of the vagus, which is often infectious or toxic, is often associated with damage to other cranial trunks. Inflammation of the vagus nerve is manifested by various signs, the main ones of which are listed above. Be sure to pay attention to such signals as:

Tonus of the vagus nerve - symptoms

Under the tone of the tenth pair of cranial nerve plexuses is understood such a state in which normal adaptive processes are provided in the body in response to changes in the environment, physical and emotional loads. The tone of the vagus nerve determines the level of physiological and mental health. If the tone is normal, this is indicated by a slight increase in the pulse during inspiration and a decrease in exhalation, a predominance of cheerful mood. People with a low tonal index often have a bad mood, a sense of loneliness, heart attacks.

Vagus nerve irritation - symptoms

The wandering nerve can be irritated due to pinching during compression by vessels or neoplasms in the neck, chest, and rarely - inside the skull. A separate form of lesion is the neuralgia of the upper laryngeal nerve - one of the branches of the tenth pair of cranial trunks. Presumably, the basis of the pathology is the entrapment of the vagus nerve when passing through the hypothalamus membrane. In this case, there are seizures that occur during a meal and are characterized by:

The irritation of the vagus nerve can lead to an increase in the work of the endocrine glands, in connection with which excess gastric and pancreatic juice is produced. Probably a sharp increase in the intestinal peristalsis, which adversely affects the digestion and assimilation of food. When the work of the nerve is reduced or paralysis occurs, reverse reactions are observed in the activity of the digestive system.

Wandering nerve and arrhythmia

Violation of the regularity or the frequency of the heart rhythm is sometimes associated with the tenth pair of nerves, and in this case arrhythmias are classified as carotid neurogenic. The influence of the vagus nerve on the heart increases at night, after a meal and physical activity. Patients have attacks of pain in the heart, accompanied by fear of death, sweating, dizziness. The nerve causes a bradycardia, a tachycardia, an extrasystole .

Treatment of the vagus nerve

It is impossible to say unequivocally how to treat a vagus nerve, this is determined by the type and extent of the lesion, the list of deviations and manifestations. This question should be handled only by a qualified specialist. Often, treatment is limited to drug therapy with the appointment:

With severe symptoms, stimulation of the vagus nerve is prescribed by means of electrical impulses, an operation is performed. But in some cases, patients need to know how to calm the vagus nerve during an attack alone, or how to prevent exacerbation. In order for the vagus nerve not to cause arrhythmia, it is recommended: