First words of the child

There is not a single mother who would not wait with a sinking heart from her child, when he says the first words. Whatever the child says the first word, it remains permanently in the mother's heart, along with the first smile, the first laugh, the first step.

Mums begin to communicate with the child from the very moment of his birth, when he can not answer them yet - explain their actions, talk about the surrounding world, helping themselves with the help of gestures. The kid at the age of a year adopts and uses sign language already consciously, drawing with it mother's attention, expressing a request for something to give or explain. Facing misunderstanding, the child begins to whimper and repeats gestures again and again. When the baby learns the speech, most gestures will remain in the past, because he can achieve what he wants with words.

When does this happen?

The time when the child speaks the first word, comes usually before the first birthday of the baby. At this age, the child begins to connect in words the same syllables (ma-ma, pa-pa, ba-ba, ku-ku) and denote them the most interesting objects, things, events, people. More often than not, the first word of the child is a mother, after all, it is his mother who sees him most often, most of his joys and emotions are associated with her. Then in the child's speech appear the first words denoting the state and emotions of a person (oh-oh, bo-bo). When a child pronounces the first word, it depends on the sex of the baby - it is noted that the girls start talking before the boys - at 9-10 months against 11-12, and the surrounding environment, and the amount of attention paid to it, and on its individual characteristics.

In the middle of the second year of life, the kid tries to actively expand his vocabulary. In the period from one and a half to two years, the stock of words increases from 25 to 90 words. By the beginning of the third year of life the child already knows how to build the first sentence of two words, gradually extending them to the five-word ones.

How to talk crumbs?

How to teach the child the first words? You need more time to communicate with him, do not be lazy to pronounce all your actions, read to your child simple fairy tales with bright pictures. Do not forget about the stimulation of the speech center in the brain with the help of the development of the motility of the handles. Playing with the kid in finger games, drawing or touching objects that are different to the touch, you activate the speech center and help the child speak. Remember that all children are individual, each has his own time to say the first word, and it will be a big mistake to compare his baby with others, to adjust it in the hope of surpassing the neighbor's cub. A little patience and care - and the child's first words will be your reward.