Whether it is possible for pregnant women a radish?

When happy parents expect to be replenished in the family, the issue of nutrition of the future mother comes to the fore. It should not only be a diverse, but also a saturated vitamin. It is for this reason that many women expecting a baby try to bring as many vegetables and fruits as possible to their menu. But not all of these products are allowed without restrictions. Let's consider, whether it is possible for pregnant women to use a radish.

Is this vegetable really necessary during pregnancy?

If you really like the taste of this juicy root and you find it hard to give it up for as long as 9 months, it is quite acceptable to eat it a little. Nutritionists have long found out what is useful for radish for pregnant women. It contains a lot of vitamins and minerals that ensure the normal development of the fetus:

  1. The calcium contained in this vegetable in high concentration, contributes to the proper formation of the bones, teeth and muscles of the baby in the womb of the mother.
  2. Radish is rich in folic acid, which helps to prevent intrauterine malformations.
  3. If you doubt whether it is possible to eat radish during pregnancy, consider that it contains ascorbic acid, which increases immunity and strengthens blood vessels.
  4. Women who are in a happy expectation of motherhood often suffer from constipation or, conversely, diarrhea. Radish will be indispensable for pregnant women in this case, because it contains fiber (one portion of this vegetable is 4% of the daily value of this substance), which improves intestinal peristalsis and promotes normal digestion.
  5. In radishes, scientists found a large concentration of vitamin K. It improves blood clotting, and this ensures that you do not have severe bleeding during labor.

Also, this vegetable is a real iron deposit (excellent prevention of anemia), copper, sodium, phosphorus, manganese, potassium and other important microelements for the health of the future mother.

When should you not abuse this product?

There are also certain contraindications for the use of radishes during pregnancy. If you often suffered from increased gas production, the vegetable should be excluded from the diet, as it can cause severe flatulence. It is worth to give up radishes and pregnancy in later terms: it is quite acute, which leads to increased thirst. A supplemental fluid in the body in the 3 rimester often causes severe swelling.

When you are waiting for a joyful event - the appearance of crumbs, you should take care and consume radish only in season, before leaving it to lie in cold water for a quarter of an hour: this vegetable is able to accumulate nitrates in high concentrations.