Developing games for children of 7 years that your child will like

After reaching school age, the child has to adapt to new options for obtaining knowledge, intellectual and physical development, socialization. To facilitate the adaptation of children 7 years old, parents need to properly organize their leisure time. The best method of assimilating information for a junior schoolboy is still games.

How to develop a child in 7 years?

In the first class, the main attention is paid to the following aspects:

The task of parents is to find interesting developmental games for children of 7 years old, which will help the child to improve in the listed areas. When selecting classes it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the baby, his hobbies and temperament, innate inclinations. Do not try to "fit" the child under some standard. A happy and calm child is more suitable for developing logical games for children of 7 years, intellectual tasks and puzzles, reading. Active schoolchildren are better to offer sports and outdoor activities.

Games for the development of speech

The main goal in this case is enriching the child's language, teaching a connected conversation, an understandable presentation of thoughts. Speech development games for children of 7 years should be fun and entertaining. To consider syllables, to select synonyms and antonyms is too boring, especially after a day spent at school. Much more interesting role-playing games for the development of children's speech:

  1. Correspondent. Invite the kid to become a journalist who interviews celebrities (household members) and makes a report about an event (walk with a dog, bake a cake). For reliability, you can give your child a microphone - toy, karaoke, comb or even a stick with a scarf wrapped around her.
  2. Humorist. Let the first-grader act as a stand-up: he will try to amuse the audience with amusing stories from life, at school or at home comic situations.
  3. Sonneteer. Competing with adults (susceptible), children need to quickly pick up rhyme for a given word. For example, a picture is a car, a showcase; rocket - comet, candy. To complicate the task, you can ask the child to explain the meanings of each word, describe it with adjectives, and name the properties.

Games for the development of memory

Most first-graders do not like to learn poems, so they need to improve their ability to memorize by other methods. Games for the development of children's memory:

  1. Snowball. The parent starts: "I'll take my hat with me to the beach." The child continues: "I'll take my hat and slippers." Parent: "I'll take a hat, slippers and a towel" and so on, until someone makes a mistake.
  2. Courier. Give the kid a task - for a set period of time to bring a set of objects, preferably from several rooms and different purposes. You can not write down the list of things, just remember.
  3. Copier. Show the child a drawing with several geometric figures of different colors. After 30 seconds, remove it and ask to reproduce exactly what you saw.

Games for the development of logic

Thanks to such entertainments, it is possible to explain to the child not only cause-effect relations, but also to teach him mathematics . Presenting logical thinking for children 6-7 years old is also better in game form. Optimal activities will be in the form of a quiz, in which adults can participate, creating a competitive and excitable atmosphere. Logical educational games for children 7 years:

  1. True, or not. Invite the first class to confirm or disprove the controversial statement and explain their answer. For example, a soup can not be eaten with a fork - it's not true, because it can be frozen.
  2. Puzzles. Sasha has 3 apples, and Sveta has only one apple. Ask the child how many fruits Masha has, if she has less apples than Sasha, but more than Sveta.
  3. Third wheel. To name objects of a similar type, one of which has a distinctive feature. For example, a motorcycle, a scooter and a bicycle, they are all two-wheeled vehicles. Ask the baby to call it superfluous. The correct answer is a bicycle, because it does not need to be refueled with gasoline.

Games for the development of attention

The ability to concentrate is the key to successful schooling and rapid learning. Improve this skill will help interesting and fun entertainment, so that it is activated at the right time at the level of reflex. Games for the development of concentration:

  1. Detective. Lay out a lot of toys or objects on the table, invite the child to look at them for 1 minute. Ask the kid to close his eyes, remove one thing. Young Sherlock Holmes should call the loss.
  2. Pathfinder. This educational game will help the first-grader and in the future, in the lessons of geography, it will require a globe or a world map. Choose any large or medium city, offer the child to find it for a specified time.
  3. Do not say. In advance, think of a forbidden word, for example, "no." Ask the first class tricky questions, to which the right answer is a negative: "The cat bark? Is it snowing in the summer? Did you see a dinosaur today? "The kid should be careful and formulate the answer so that not to say" no. "

Games that develop reading for children 7 years old

In the age of digital technology and gadgets, few first-graders like to spend time with books. A modern child at the age of 7 opts to visually assimilate information using television programs and cartoons. You can instill a love of reading by your own example, and constantly interested in the baby. Developing games for children 7 years:

  1. Gramotey. Entertainment is analogous to American spelling competitions. You need to say a complex word and invite the child to spell it.
  2. Who is bigger. Game for several participants. Select any long word and write it down. Determine the length of time, for example, 10 minutes. During this period it is necessary to make the maximum number of new words from the existing set of letters: personification - dog, dream, nose and so on.
  3. Balda. Draw a field consisting of cells, 5 by 5. Write any word centrally. Each participant can add to the nearby cage by 1 letter in his turn. The one who makes more words, preferably long ones, wins.

Physical development of children in gaming activities

To maintain the health of a junior high school student, regular exercise is important. The physical development of children at this age provides training in dexterity, coordination of movements, balance, strength and other indicators. Recommended games:

  1. Repeat. One of the participants shows the others some movement. The next player repeats it and adds his own. Similarly, the rest of the children do. If an error is accepted, the child is eliminated. The winner is the kid, who was last in the game.
  2. Catch up. The lines of start and finish are outlined. Children stand with balls in their hands. At the signal they run to the finish. During the movement you need to throw ahead and catch the ball. The child who will reach first wins. It is important never to drop the ball.
  3. Without a tail. Modified catch-ups - children for elastic band shorts or sports pants laid ribbons. The driver must catch up with the others and pull out the "tails".

The best development games for children 7 years old

In addition to the proposed classes, you can use ready-made entertainment. Favorably affect the development of the child in 7 years the following game options:

Developing board games for children 7 years old

Modern manufacturers produce many interesting and colorful sets for family pastime. The best board games for children:

  1. Elias - explain the word without naming it.
  2. Garzon - memorize orders, as a waiter, and verbatim to retell their chef.
  3. Monopoly - to buy firms, build branches, increase capital.
  4. Type Top Bottom - perform the actions shown on the cards.
  5. Scrabble - make up words from the existing set of letters.

Developing computer games for children of 7 years

Digital technologies also help to improve memory, attention, logic and other qualities. Useful computer games for children 7-8 years old:

  1. Three in a row - collect shapes (balls, stones and others) of the same color or shape.
  2. Search for items - for a certain time to find in the picture specified in the job items.
  3. Quests - solve puzzles and logical problems to achieve the main goal.
  4. Business games, strategies - to develop the city, enterprise, civilization.
  5. Arcade - to overcome obstacles, to save secondary characters and collect bonus points.

Educational games for children of 7 years - puzzles

Folding of pictures from pieces promotes expansion of creative potential of the child, brings up assiduity. Puzzles are the best educational games for children of 7 years at home. They can be bought and folded on the table, or they can engage in this fascinating entertainment on the computer, even online. Similarly popular are developing puzzle games for children of 7 years:

  1. Tantrix - connect the segments in colorful trails.
  2. Orbo is a round analog of the Rubik's cube;
  3. Tangram - 7 boards, from which it is necessary to make the given figures.
  4. The gas station is one of the versions of the spots.
  5. Chocolate set - correctly place the candy in the box.