Types of didactic games

The game in its essence is multifunctional, thanks to which it allows harmoniously to raise the child and develop the personality. That is why, didactic games , the kinds of which are huge, are closely interrelated with the educational process. Children achieve their own results, which gives them a lot of pleasure and happiness. Classes of this kind expand the perception of the world around them, in addition, they teach attention, purposefulness, curiosity, development of speech , etc.

What didactic games exist at all?

Didactic games for children are divided into various categories, which are related to the age characteristics of children. So, for preschoolers use the following types of didactic games:

  1. Games with objects (toys) - show how it is necessary to act with different objects and get acquainted with them. So kids learn color, shape.
  2. Board games, the plan "lotto", "dominoes" - thanks to them it is possible to develop speech, mathematical abilities, attention and logic.
  3. Games with words, - allow you to describe objects, highlight the signs. Children guess objects by description, look for differences and similarities between them.

What didactic games can be used in the DOW?

In the DOW can be used such kinds of didactic games, as:

However, it is established that children aged 6 years are most likely to develop mentally. They watch the activities of adults, and translates it into a game.

Due to the fact that it is difficult for junior students to follow orders, didactic games for them have their own characteristics. At this age, any game should teach endurance, attention, ingenuity. Therefore, didactic games in the elementary school mean a question, an appeal to an action or an assignment. For example: "Who is faster?".

Thus, didactic games for schoolchildren must necessarily take into account the interests of each child, and the features of its development. That is why, when choosing a particular game for the educational process, the teacher has a great responsibility.