Exercise "butterfly"

Stretching is not just a way to demonstrate the flexibility of your body, but also a very useful pastime. Exercises for stretching help relax the muscles after training, remove the decay products of lactic acid, and give them an attractive, feminine form. One of the favorite exercises for stretching is the butterfly, but in spite of universal love, few people succeed in this asanas .

"Butterfly" in yoga

In yoga, the exercise "butterfly" is called Purna Titali, where Purna is "full, whole", and Titali is a "butterfly". Indeed, the name more than ever reflects the essence and appearance of the asana - your feet during the execution of the butterfly will really be the butterfly's wings.

Yogis describe a few subtleties when performing a butterfly exercise for the feet. The legs should be relaxed, which is very difficult to achieve. The feet are as close as possible to the groin. The back is even, because the spine in eastern culture means the axis along which cosmic energy penetrates into our body. After the "butterfly" is done, you should stretch your legs and let them relax. Perform asanas should be 20-30 times daily.

In addition to the standard asana, there is also an exercise of the reverse "butterfly". You need to lie on your hips on the floor, close your legs in a butterfly and try to open the pelvis as far as possible to fall down on the floor.

Use of the "butterfly"

Before talking about how to do the exercise "butterfly", let's say a few words about its benefits:

An exercise

  1. IP - sitting on the floor, legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor, hands rest against the floor. Legs are closed - the "wings" of the butterfly are closed. On inhaling, "open" the wings, on exhalation - close. When the legs are opened, we connect the feet, knees to the floor.
  2. Complicating: we open our legs, we wrap our arms around the feet, start pulsing "waving our wings" to lower our knees as low as possible. In this case, you need to monitor your back - it should be even.
  3. Hands move from feet to knees, on inspiration we press hands on knees, lowering them as it is possible below. On exhalation we relax our legs. The main thing in this exercise is to stretch as much as possible the spine behind the crown during inspiration.
  4. We close the legs as in the IP op.1. We rest our hands on the floor. We open our legs and put our arms around our feet. On inhalation, we stretch our arms and the whole body forward. On exhalation we return to the FE.