Diagnosis of child-parent relations

To improve and harmonize relations between children and parents, it is necessary to build them correctly from the very beginning. But this concept for each family has its own, which leads to conflict situations, and this happens at any age, not just a teenage one. To understand what is still wrong in the family in the child-parent relationship, there is a special diagnosis, conducted by a qualified psychologist. For different ages, it may differ, and you will need to try them one at a time to understand the causes of misunderstanding.

The methods used to diagnose child-parent relationships are suitable for both adolescents and preschool children, with small variations. The directions of such research envisage two vectors - the consideration of the situation from the position of parents and from the point of view of the child.

Methods for diagnosing child-parent relations

To date, around eight methods have been widely distributed, with the help of which an experienced specialist can help understand what the problem of the relationship with the child is. They are developed by both domestic and foreign experts in the field of psychology. Let's find out a little about how they work.

Parent relationship test

This is a simple test that reveals parents' attitudes toward children and their willingness to educate the younger generation, as well as preferred methods and ways of interaction.

Zarova's Methodology

This test is based on the presentation of children about adults in the family - mom and dad. It allows you to find out whether, in the opinion of the children, the parents correctly educate them, and determine the degree of authority.

"Measure of care"

As insufficient attention from the parents, and excessive attention can negatively affect the behavior of the child, on his personal development. This test allows you to find out, not too whether Mom and Dad are taking care of their child, and whether there is a need to slightly chop the parental reins.

In addition to these common tests used: