Poor appetite in a child - how to feed a little bird?

To the baby to grow and develop well, he should eat regularly. A poor appetite in a child may justify causing concern among young parents. They are disturbed by the thought, and whether everything is in order with the carapace and whether he is ill. Absence of appetite in a baby can be caused by various reasons. Knowing what provokes this problem, it is easier to deal with it.

How much should a child have?

A crumb does not know how to talk in the first year of his life, so he will not say if the additive is full or necessary. In order not to torment parents in conjecture, pediatricians have written down recommendations on the amount of necessary food for babies. Determine how much a carp should have before the year, the following formula will help:

However, parents should remember that these norms are generalized. If a child does not eat such a quantity of food, but at the same time he develops well and plays with pleasure, he suffers this. It is not necessary in this case to forcibly force the crumb to eat more, since the child will develop a negative attitude towards food. Parents are important to remember: if blindly follow the rules, this can only hurt the baby.

Why does the child have a bad appetite?

How much the baby eats depends on many factors. Appetite crumbs determined by the individual characteristics of the body. The amount of food consumed is commensurate with the needs of the child. So, during the period of active growth of the baby, appetite increases. Parents crumbs must find out why the child refuses to eat during this period. The amount of food consumed can also depend on the energy expenditure of the baby.

Causes of poor appetite in an infant

A healthy baby from food rarely refuses. If the child does not want to eat, this can be explained by the following reasons:

The child does not eat the lure

A child's refusal to eat from such food can be caused by various reasons. The child refuses to eat in the following cases:

The child does not eat in kindergarten

Some parents blame the cooks for this, believing that they are preparing a bad tasteless food. Other such behavior of the baby is considered, as his next whim. However, not figuring out the end of why a child is eating badly, it's hard to understand how to help him. Decrease in appetite or complete refusal of food is more often observed in those youngsters who have just started attending kindergarten.

The child is very worried because of such changes in life. Everything will be settled in a time when the crumb gets used to the new situation. However, there are other causes of poor appetite in the child:

  1. A crumb at home in the morning. Experiencing that their child does not remain hungry, parents feed him a hearty breakfast. By the time when the kindergarten is eating, the child does not have time to just get hungry.
  2. The kid does not know how to eat by himself with a spoon. At home, his mother or another adult feeds him. In the kindergarten during meals, the teacher does not have time to give all the children attention, so the baby remains hungry.
  3. Unusual food. Food at home and in kindergarten can be very different, so for the child the dishes offered are unfamiliar. Basically, all babies in nutrition are conservative: they refuse to eat new foods or foods for them.
  4. Reception for manipulation by parents. Knowing that adults will greatly experience because of refusal to eat, the children force them to take home early.
  5. Glistovye infestations. This is one of the main reasons why a child does not eat well.
  6. Intestinal infections. They reduce appetite, cause bloating, increase body temperature.
  7. Emotionally tense situation in the family. Even adults are susceptible to stress, and babies are even more sensitive.

The child has a bad appetite after the illness

When a crumb is unhealthy, his body directs all its forces to defeat the ill. During this period, the brain does not send signals of hunger, so the baby refuses to eat. However, often a child does not eat well after he has recovered. This does not mean that the disease is returning. Simply the kid has not yet managed to get out of a difficult state, when the body received a meager amount of food. A little time will pass, and the karapuz will return to the usual diet.

The child refuses to eat with teething

In this period, the baby in the body are undergoing a grandiose change. They are accompanied by an increase in body temperature, swelling of the gums, moody behavior, runny nose, cough and similar other symptoms. In this state, the child does not eat anything. It hurts him to do it and he does not feel well. When teething , as in case of illness, the brain does not send signals about the feeling of hunger, therefore the organism directs all its forces to another channel.

The child has a bad appetite - what to do?

Before, parents should determine the cause of the failure of the crumbs from food. Only after this, it is possible to take actions aimed at increasing appetite. If a child refuses to eat - what to do:

  1. Increase the energy consumption of the baby. This will help with outdoor games, outdoor activities, sports. However, it is important to avoid overheating of the child: his body must spend calories on thermoregulation.
  2. Set the power mode. Daily intake must be done at the same time.
  3. Introduce in the diet of the baby food-stimulants of appetite. For example, it could be an apple. Pediatricians recommend this fruit before the main meal.
  4. Remove from the zone of sight candy, cookies, chips and other snacks. All these products are very caloric, because of them there is a bad appetite in the child.
  5. A positive parent example. It is advisable to eat with the whole family. Adults should, while praising, eat food.
  6. Do not overfeed your child. If you forcibly force a crumb to eat, it will have a bad effect on the baby. A child can develop a feeling of disgust for food.

The reason for immediate treatment to the doctor is a poor appetite in a child, at the same time as there are such symptoms:

Drugs to increase appetite in children

After a thorough examination, the pediatrician can prescribe medications that help cope with this problem. When a child badly eats, how to raise an appetite, only he knows. Parents should, as much as possible, adhere to the doctor's recommendations. A pediatrician can prescribe such drugs:

As an additional means, when a poor child's appetite is bad, berries of black-ash rowan, barberry and sea-buckthorn can be used. Strengthen the secretion of gastric juice and medicinal herbs. Wormwood, ayr, fennel, cardamom, anise and dill are particularly well proven. However, herbal teas should be given to the baby only after consultation with the doctor.

Mixture for children with poor appetite

The baby, who is on artificial feeding , the food should be adapted. This food contains a lot of protein and vitamins. If the child has become poorly eaten, the pediatrician may advise giving him such mixtures:

Interesting food for children

To wake up the child's appetite, one must creatively approach the design of his plate. Funnyly decorated food will be eaten for a few minutes. The design of dishes for children with poor appetite can be done as follows:

Vitamins for appetite for children

If a child eats a little, his body lacks nutrients. Due to deficiency of vitamins and mineral elements, the condition of the baby worsens, and alarming symptoms begin to appear (including a poor appetite). A vicious circle comes out. If the child does not eat - what to do: you need to enrich his body with valuable elements. The main stimulants of appetite are such vitamins: