Rating of dog food

Grow a cheerful and healthy dog ​​is possible only with the help of high-quality products. Not without reason, users are regularly interested in ratings of the best dry and wet forages, their compositions, customer reviews. Brands are now plentiful and obsessive advertising can confuse users, attract their attention to cheap and even harmful products. In this review, we will describe the difference between feeds, let's name differences existing between products of different classes.

How to understand the ratings of the best dog food?

Comparing products for animals, many observers deliberately omit the distinction between a product of economy class, premium class and the now popular holistic class. In the economy class, soya, low-grade meat concentrate, by-products, and very few vitamin and mineral additives are allowed. If dogs notice allergic reactions, then it is necessary to immediately change the feed.

The name of the premium class indicates a higher quality, but here you can also find preservatives, flavor enhancers, by-products, although animal proteins in this product are much larger. Super-premium class is a product of a higher level, although more expensive for the price. In the ratings of premium dog food, he is at the top of the list. You can pick up food among these products more individually, in accordance with the age and physical condition of your pet.

The most competitive and high-quality goods are products of the holistic class, which you can fearlessly eat even for a person. Probiotics, which are present in it, significantly improve the appearance and health of the pet, they do not cause such reactions, therefore in the rating of hypoallergenic dog food they are always at the top of the most serious lists.

Here is the rating of firms engaged in the production of dog food, both small and large breeds:

Leading quite deservedly the goods of a class holistic:

In the middle of the list there are companies that also do mostly products of the holistic class or a cheaper but quite high-quality super-premium class:

Goods of economy class and premium feed were quite predictable at the end of the tables and ratings. There are already a lot of Russian and Ukrainian manufacturers, joint ventures, cheap brands:

Alas, but the price significantly affects the quality and, by buying the feed of the cheap segment, you still run the risk of buying products with a low meat content and a huge percentage of grain. If the income allows, it is better to choose the products of the brands that are on the top of the list.