Didactic games in the middle group

Children grow and develop by playing. In pre-school establishments, gaming activities are of particular importance. The game helps the all-round development of kids, promotes learning and consolidation of new knowledge.

Therefore, in didactical games are very popular in kindergartens. But for every age you need to select games that correspond to the mental and physical development of the kids. So, didactic games in the middle group will have a number of features.

Pre-school children already have some experience of joint games, but the caregiver's participation that helps children in the game continues to be preserved. It is important that the children gradually learn to independently observe other participants, as well as the game itself.

Very often, didactic games on their content are divided into musical, didactic and cognitive. For convenience, you can create your file of didactic games for the middle group. Let's consider some of them.

Developing didactic games

This kind of game activity will help to expand the general knowledge of children about the world around them. Cognition is the main task of didactic games for the middle group.


Will help to consolidate knowledge about the size of objects. The children are divided into two teams. Children receive apricots or other fruits of three sizes - small, medium and large. And three baskets of three sizes. The educator offers to the kids to collect the apricots in the respective baskets. The team that copes before is the winner.

"Learn the taste"

Develops smell and taste. Babies are blindfolded and alternately offer to try and guess pieces of various fruits.

Musical and didactic games for the middle group

Musical didactic games for the middle group are especially popular with kids. After all, the children love to listen to music and perform various songs.

"Who is our guest?"

Teach children the ability to select the appropriate music for different fairy-tale characters. Children turn to different characters for certain music. At first, a horse can come, which will jump under rhythmic music (beats of spoons). Then the bunny - under frequent and sonorous blows on the metalophone, etc. After that, various musical riddles are performed for children. Their task is to guess to whom they correspond.


Develops musical memory. Kids sit in a circle and alternately throw a cube, which is pasted with pictures on the subjects of familiar songs. The task of children is to guess, and then to sing this or that song.

Mathematical didactic games

Didactic games in the middle group, aimed at FEMP (the formation of elementary mathematical representations), will help kids in an interesting and accessible form to master the mathematical basics.


Introduces the children with the writing of numbers. With the help of counting sticks, numbers are compiled with the children, and next to them is laid out an appropriate number of sticks.


Help children remember the sequence of numbers. Kids are in a circle. Then the teacher calls the order of the account - direct or reverse. Then the children take turns transferring the ball to each other and calling the number. At the same time, the caught ball calls the next number.


Helps to strengthen the skills of determining the order of numbers in a row. The teacher asks a number up to ten and alternately asks each kid. For example, the number is more than five, but less than seven, and so on.

Didactic games are fun activities that will help children learn to work in a team, develop logic and thinking. In the game, children will know the world around them.