How to change the name of the child?

An adult is free to do whatever he likes with his name, patronymic and surname. Instead of Ivanov Petrov Sergeevich Makhmudov Ali Abdulaevich, he can become, if he so chooses. But when it comes to minors, the law is less loyal to this issue, and in some cases, children may be denied the change in data given at birth.

In Russia and Ukraine, there are no significant differences in this procedure, except, unless the age of the child, from which he has the right to independently change the name and surname. A citizen of Russia can do this already at the age of 14, as soon as he has a passport, but the Ukrainian will have to wait two more years before the age of sixteen.

Children who receive a passport, refer to the list of necessary documents in the registry office, the RAGS or the police passport desk, and those who have not reached the appropriate age - in the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

Documents for submission by the child himself to the RAGS or guardianship authorities to replace the surname:

  1. Statement from the child and one of the parents.
  2. Birth certificate.
  3. Receipt for payment of state duty.

If the child has not reached the age of 14 (16), then his parents will need:

  1. Statement of one of the parents.
  2. The court's decision to recognize one of the parents as incapacitated, deprived of parental rights, limited in their rights, missing, with an attached certificate of arrears on alimony.
  3. The petition of the guardianship authority.

How can I change the name and patronymic of a child?

Change the child's data recorded in the birth certificate is possible, but often this is not easy. And if the name is somewhat simpler, and there are many options for changing it to the mother, then the patronymic can only be changed when the child turns 14 or 16 years old (for Russia and Ukraine, respectively).

If the child has not reached the required age, then by law the patronymic can be changed only when the father himself has changed his name. And also if the child was born to a single mother and the fact of paternity was not established.

How to change the surname to a minor child (up to 14 years) after a divorce?

It is very important to understand that children under the age of seven can change their surname without their consent, but after this age the child may agree or against this procedure, and the relevant authorities take this into account.

Most often, the reason for changing the name of the child is the divorce of the parents, when the mother changes her to a girl, and wants to change her and the child. If there is consent to this father, then there is no problem, and after filing the necessary documents, the passport desk issues a new birth certificate.

If the father does not agree that his child was not carrying his name, then this is contested in court. If there were no significant violations on the part of the father (malicious non-payment of alimony, a deviation from the performance of the upbringing of the child, etc.), then the case may never get off the ground, and it will be necessary to wait until the child grows up, get a passport, whose name should he wear.

How to change a child's name without the consent of the father / mother?

Everyone knows that by law both parents are equally responsible for their child, but there are situations when one of them is not taken into account. For example, in order to change the name without the knowledge of the father or mother, you will need to go to court.

In accordance with the established procedure, on the basis of the attached documents, the court issues a ruling that one of the parents will lose the parental rights for this child, or he avoids paying alimony, which means that it partially loses its rights to the child.

With the decision of the court, the mother or father already applies to the local guardianship authority and receives permission to change the name to the child without the written confirmation and participation of the second parent.

How can I change my surname when I get a passport?

It is not difficult to do this - with the simultaneous filing of documents for obtaining a passport. The child encloses a statement, which indicates the motives that prompted him to change his name. In this case, a new document is issued to the hands of a teenager.