Why does a child cry in a dream and not wake up?

All young parents are well aware of the crying of their baby at night. In most cases, tears of the crumbs are quite justified - the child can wake up from the pain associated with the cutting teeth, or colic in the tummy, as well as for a number of other reasons.

Sometimes mothers and dads notice that their child cries in a dream, not even waking up. In such a situation, parents do not understand what is happening to the baby, and begin to worry. Some of them wake up the crumb in the middle of the night, while others, on the contrary, are frightened and try not to touch it. In this article we will tell you why a child sometimes cries in a dream and does not wake up, and what needs to be done in this case.

Why does a baby cry in a dream, not waking up?

Scientists have long proven that young children begin to see dreams after fulfilling them for 3 months. In most cases, the cause of night crying, in which the child does not even wake up, become certain dreams. This phenomenon is perfectly normal and manifests itself in every second babe. There is even a special name - "physiological night crying", which characterizes just such a phenomenon.

In addition, if during the day the baby received a lot of new impressions, do not be surprised that at night he will whimper in his sleep. It is at night that the brain of the newborn child processes all the skills and information that he has received. Try not to allow that in the second half of the day the crumbs were experiencing unnecessary emotions, visit the crowded places only before lunch, in the evening, spend some time as calmly as possible.

Another reason why a child sometimes cries in a dream, without waking up, can be a kind of check, is there a mom nearby. If the baby is constantly with his mother, he may not be at ease when he does not feel tactile contact with her.

Nevertheless, in any case, if you notice that the baby whimpers in a dream and does not wake up, do not immediately run up to the bed - in most cases, the baby will be able to calm down quickly enough himself. If this does not happen, try at least some time to sleep with the child, most likely, the baby is not yet able to sleep separately in his own bed.