Thrombophilia in pregnancy

Often, the process of gestation is associated with the presence of a future mother of a certain kind of chronic diseases, disorders that make themselves felt at this time. Among these can be called thrombophilia, a disease accompanied by an increased tendency of the body to form blood clots, blood clots. Consider the violation in more detail, detail about what can be dangerous thrombophilia in pregnancy, what are the consequences of its development when carrying a baby.

What is thrombophilia?

As a rule, women do not know anything about the disease. It makes itself felt only in certain cases, such as trauma, surgical intervention. It can manifest itself in connection with hormonal disorders, which are noted during gestation.

It must be said that in medicine it is customary to distinguish several types of thrombophilia, congenital and acquired. The first is often called genetic thrombophilia, it is with it that women face pregnancy. The acquired form can be the result of past injuries, surgical interventions. This classification takes into account only the causes of occurrence.

Depending on the features of the course of the disease, there are also:

  1. Hematogenous thrombophilia arising during pregnancy is characterized by a change in blood composition, a violation of its clotting factor. Often causes disability, can even lead to death.
  2. The vascular form is characterized by a violation of the blood lines, accompanied by atherosclerosis and vasculitis.
  3. Hemodynamic thrombophilia is accompanied by a violation of blood circulation through the system of blood vessels.

What is dangerous thrombophilia in gestation?

Often, hereditary thrombophilia develops during pregnancy and causes concern for doctors. The cause of its appearance lies in the so-called third circle of the circulation, the placental, which is formed during gestation. As a result, there is an increase in the load on the circulatory system of the mother organism. At the same time in the pregnant body there is an increased activity of the blood coagulation system, thus the body is insured against possible bleeding. This also increases the risk of blood clots.

In most cases, thrombophilia itself is not dangerous at the usual time. However, with the onset of pregnancy, everything changes drastically. It is established that in this time period the risk of blood clots in women increases by 5-6 times!

The greatest danger that lies in wait for a woman with genetic thrombophilia during pregnancy is miscarriage. He can grow up both in small and late. If a woman still manages to endure a baby, then, as a rule, the generic process occurs before the due date - in the period of 35-37 weeks.

As for the consequences of thrombophilia, which developed during pregnancy, for a future child, it must be said that the appearance of blood clots in the vessels of the placenta can provoke placental insufficiency. This violation is characterized by a decrease in trophism - the fetus receives less nutrients, oxygen. As a result, the risk of developing hypoxia, which, in turn, can cause a disruption in the development of the child.

Complications caused by thrombophilia in pregnant women, for the first time to know about themselves, starting with the 10th week of gestation. In this case, the second trimester proceeds calmly, and the risk rises, starting at week 30, - late gestosis, fetoplacental insufficiency develops.

How is thrombophilia treated during pregnancy?

The course of therapy is a complex consisting of taking medication, adherence to diet and regimen.

Medicamental therapy involves the use of coagulants, administered individually. The diet provides for the use of products that reduce coagulability: seafood, berries, ginger, most dried fruits. Also, doctors recommend to practice slow walking, swimming, therapeutic physical training. Do not allow prolonged standing, wearing heavy loads.