Fright in the child

For a kid who has come to our world, everything is unknown and unknown. The child is difficult to determine what is good for him, and what is bad, sometimes ordinary things for us can cause unpleasant emotions and fears in the baby. Often parents notice sharp changes in the mood of a crumb - he becomes restless and nervous, refuses to eat and does not sleep well. Such a condition can be associated with a child's fright.

How to determine the fright of a child?

Modern medicine does not define fright as a separate disease, and relates it to conditions and diseases called "child's neuroses". The first signs of fright in the child is a sharp change in behavior. No one but his mother knows his baby better - if a crumb who always calmly goes to bed or is going to the street dramatically changes his behavior, then the reason for this may be the child's fears. Fear is the natural manifestation of a caution reflex that is defensive in nature. Thanks to the development of emotional spheres and the accumulation of life experience, fears of the child eventually pass. But sometimes a child can not cope with increasing fears, and then they can grow into a more persistent stage, which entails a strong fright of the child. Such a stage can be accompanied by other disorders of the central nervous system - tics, stuttering, enuresis. Fright in an infant, along with crying and anxiety, can be accompanied by symptoms such as trembling in the limbs and squeezing the legs and handles.

Fright for a child - reasons

First of all, if you find the first symptoms of fright in a child, you should try to find out the cause of such a condition. Very often a growing kid can show a fear of loneliness. This condition usually manifests itself in a strong attachment to the parents, mostly to the mother, and reluctance to let her go even for a few minutes. The child still does not understand that mom will come back and is afraid of losing her forever, making hysteria, screaming and crying. Especially the fear of loneliness manifests itself when a child enters a kindergarten. To a greater extent, this applies to children who have been subjected to excessively rigorous or overly caring education. The risk of fright is also increased in children, fixated on their own experiences, not accustomed to independence, and who lack the skills to communicate with other children.

How to treat a child's fright?

  1. Correction of a nervous state depends on how the child's fright manifests. If the baby suffers from fright, the main method of treatment will be the care and love of the mother, which should provide emotional safety for the baby.
  2. The state of fright in the child of preschool age is corrected at home by means of confidential conversations and skazkoterapiey. Thanks to the parent's attention, the child is able to get rid of the fears that oppress him.
  3. Very often for the treatment of fright, herbs that have a soothing effect are used. On their basis, herbal infusions and soothing baths are prepared. To prepare the infusion it is necessary to take 100 g of chamomile and nettle leaves, and 50 g of melissa, St. John's wort, the root of hops, heather, angelica's roots. One teaspoon of the collection should be brewed 1 cup of boiling water and let it brew for 1 hour. Give the child twice a day for a third cup.
  4. Homeopathic preparations are also considered appropriate in the treatment of fright. The most commonly used belladonna, aconitum, arnica, barite carbonica, causticum. Before using these drugs, it is better to consult a doctor to choose the most optimal option and be sure to carefully read the instructions for use in order to correctly determine the dosage, taking into account the age features.

And, of course, the main cure for fright in children is the love and care of parents.