Cycle of monthly

This concept, like the menstrual cycle, is known to almost every girl, but how to calculate the duration of the menstrual cycle (when the next menstrual discharge after the past is expected), not all young girls know. Let's try to understand this physiological process, and tell in detail about its main characteristics.

The duration of the monthly cycle: how correctly to count the days?

One of the main characteristics of the menstrual cycle is its duration. So, it is normal in gynecology to assume that it should be 21-35 days. The average cycle of men is 26-28 days.

The beginning of the menstrual cycle is the first day of menstruation, i.e. the moment when the girl notes the appearance of small bloody discharge. As a rule, their volume is small. Therefore, quite often, especially young "inexperienced" girls, they may not notice them. Consequently, in such cases, all calculations for the duration of the whole monthly cycle become incorrect.

Also it is necessary to say that, depending on the duration, the cycle can be short or long. In the first case, a woman watches the next menstruation after about 21-23 days. With a long cycle from one to the next discharge takes 30-35 days. The main reason for the long cycle of menstruation is late ovulation.

Talking about whether it's good or bad (short and long cycle of menstruation) is not entirely correct. Each female organism is individual, therefore, all the physiological processes take place in it in different ways. The main thing is that the duration of the menstrual cycle should be invested in 21-35 days. Otherwise, doctors talk about the violation and prescribe the appropriate examination in order to establish the exact cause.

Can the cycle of monthly ones go down and in how does this happen?

Not always in the cycle of monthly number of days coincides with the norm. There are many reasons for the failure of this physiological process. One of the main ones can be called a change in the hormonal background, which in turn can occur because of a disease (inflammatory processes in the reproductive system), hormonal drugs and even severe stress. In order to find out exactly the cause of the violation, in this case it is better to contact a doctor who, if necessary, will prescribe a treatment.

What problems can occur in an irregular cycle?

The main question that interests women with irregular menstrual discharge, concerns how to get pregnant with an unstable cycle, or on the contrary - not conceive a child. If in the latter situation everything is decided by the reception or use of contraceptives, in the first case the woman has to undergo a full examination in order to become pregnant.

If we talk directly about how to get pregnant, when the monthly cycle is irregular, then in such cases the woman should adhere to the recommendations given to her by the gynecologist. After all, it all depends on what kind of reason caused malfunction of menstruation. In such cases, the couple can only undertake more frequent attempts to conceive the baby, especially during the supposed days of ovulation. In order to accurately determine them, it is enough to use special medical tests that are sold in the pharmacy. Also set the time of ovulation in the body helps to maintain a special diary in which daily it is necessary to note the basal temperature.

Thus, as can be seen from the article, the duration of the menstrual cycle is a rather important indicator. Knowing it, we can assume an approximate time for ovulation, plan your trips, business meetings.