Musical and didactic games

Musical education is an integral part of a fully developed personality. Music permeates the life of every person. Therefore, to lay the foundations of musical culture should start from birth.

In order to instill in their children interest and love for music in an accessible and understandable form, musical and didactic games are used for children.

The use of musical didactic games

During the course, preschool children develop their musical abilities: rhythm, musical and auditory receptivity. Learn to differentiate the sound by its height, duration and volume. Get an idea of ​​musical instruments. The game form and emotional perception awaken children's interest in music and gives many joyful and cheerful minutes.

What do you need for the game?

For musical and didactic games you will need a card file - visual aids from cardboard or paper.

You can buy it, or you can make it with the children. Each game will correspond to certain images of heroes of fairy tales or musical instruments.

Depending on the activity of children and pedagogical tasks, there are several types of music games .

Types of musical and didactic games

  1. Calm. Children quietly listen to music. Their task is to correctly identify the melody.
  2. Movable. Built on the principle of motor activity, dynamism, speed and agility. Kids need to react to musical movements by certain actions.
  3. Horovodnogo type. Suitable for a large number of participants. Compete one or two circles-round dance. For example, children of the first round should guess the sound of a low-register melody, and the kids of the second one are high, etc.

Musical and didactic games are also good because they can be used both in preschool institutions and at home. Children love music and especially games. The number of participants starts from three.

It is very important to think in advance of the award for the winners. It can be the performance of an adult favorite song or another musical surprise.

Examples of music games

  1. The musical and didactic game "Three Bears" - teaches children to distinguish sounds by their height. You will need a set of images from the bears of large, medium and small size. Children receive pictures of different sizes. The task of the players is to "take the bear out in time" (move it on the table). If the sound of the lower register sounds - large bears go for a walk, the average register - smaller, tall - a bear cub. The winner is the one who most often performed the task accurately.
  2. Musical-didactic game "Hares" - develops a sense of rhythm and auditory perception. For the game you need two cards with a picture of dancing and sleeping ones. The presenter shows the picture and includes dance or quiet music. Children must guess which melody corresponds to the image. Such exercises help the ability to compare and distinguish music.
  3. Musical-didactic game "Teremok" - develops auditory perception. The kids are told the beginning of the fairy tale about "Teremok". Then a certain melody sounds, corresponding to the character of the fairy tale character. The task of the participants is to correctly guess the melody that suits this or that fairy tale hero.
  4. > Didactic game "Musical Instruments" - develops timbre hearing. Alternately including various musical fragments, kids are shown pictures of musical instruments (tambourine, balalaika, guitar, drum, etc.).
  5. The musical and didactic game "Bells" - develops the ability to distinguish the sound by its loudness. Participants are divided into three groups, each receiving one of three types of bells (large, medium and small). When a very loud melody sounds, players should raise big bells up, a moderate melody is medium, and if quiet, small bells.

Musical-didactic games - this is a great chance to develop the overall level of musicality of the baby and to arouse interest and love for music.