Diet for allergies in the child - menu

Allergy in the modern world occurs in babies often enough. To understand the reason why even the youngest children suffer from this ailment, so far nobody has succeeded. There are a number of factors that can cause this malaise: bad ecology, high toxicity of materials from which toys and clothes are made, poor-quality food, drinking water, etc. As it does not sound sad, but if your baby has a food allergy, then the menu with the child's ailment is always accompanied by a diet, from which all food that can cause this malaise is excluded.

Hypoallergenic Diet - List of Prohibited Products for Children

If doctors or parents were able to determine what their crumbs are allergic to, then this alleviates the problem, because removing one or two products from the diet is much easier than a list. But for those who do not know this, first of all, it is necessary to exclude the following products:

For children under one year, a hypoallergenic diet primarily means adjusting the mom's menu if the baby is breastfeeding, and eliminating the above products from the diet. In addition, as food is introduced food that does not cause allergies: porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice), meat puree (rabbit, turkey), vegetable puree (zucchini, different types of cabbage, cucumber, etc.), fruit juices, mashed potatoes and compotes.

Hypoallergenic diet for children from 1 year to 2 years - menu

Nutrition of a child of this age is a dish cooked for a couple, baked or boiled. As a rule, vegetables are rubbed in a blender to consistency of puree and served with 1 teaspoon of oil (olive, linen, sesame). Meat dishes are preferable to give from minced meat (steam cutlets, meatballs, etc.). So, a one-day menu for a youngster of this age, provided that he does not eat a breast or a mixture, will look like this:

Breakfast: cottage cheese with a spoonful of low-fat sour cream and a baked apple (you can rub it in a blender to a consistency of mashed potatoes), green tea or a compote of dried fruits with a biscuit biscuit.

Lunch: soup with turkey meatballs with potatoes and vegetables. Buckwheat porridge with a steam chop. Juice. From bread only bread and bread "Darnitsky" are allowed.

Afternoon snack: rice casserole, kefir.

Dinner: pea puree and lazy cabbage rolls. Puree from fruit. Juice or green tea.

Late dinner: jelly or kefir. If the child is hungry, then he can offer a biscuit biscuit, bread.

Hypoallergenic diet for a child 2-3 years and older

Nutrition of children of this age is based on the same principles as for infants of an earlier age. More details on the menu are available below: