Jam from gooseberry - good and bad

The berries of gooseberries have concentrated in their composition a lot of important and useful for the human body. Here and ascorbic acid, iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and even more than a dozen other trace elements and minerals. They contain vitamins A, C, P, the whole group of B vitamins, as well as organic acids. All this makes it possible to use gooseberry in medicinal and dietary nutrition, and also as a useful seasoning - in cooking.

Useful properties of jam from gooseberry

So, the benefits of fresh berries of gooseberries are unlikely to be doubted, but they often say that gooseberries in jam keep good and do not lose their medicinal properties. This statement may cause doubts, since, more often, during the heat treatment of fruits and berries vitamins and trace elements are destroyed; the result is just a delicious dessert. Therefore it would be desirable to understand, whether jam from a gooseberries preserves useful properties.

It turns out that it preserves, although, of course, this is possible with short-term heat treatment.

If you prepare the so-called raw (or cold) jam, then all the useful substances will not be destroyed and will not disappear. Prepare it simply: washed berries need to pass through a meat grinder or rub in a blender, add sugar (or even better - honey) to taste and close in jars that need to be stored in a cold place. In this case, all the richness of vitamins, which contains gooseberry, will be preserved.

What else can be useful jam from gooseberry? A large number of pectins contained in berries slows down the aging process, normalizes the work of the digestive tract, increases immunity.

It is worth noting that even with a slow heat treatment (say, when preparing the "royal" jam), vitamin C is retained almost 80% and vitamin P, which benefits the heart and liver, as well as the state of the blood vessels, is completely. To a lesser extent, but other vitamins retain their presence in jam from gooseberry. That is why it is so useful in the spring, in the period of vitamin starvation.

Harm and contraindications

Preparing for jam from gooseberry and understanding what is the use of its use, we still should not forget that this remarkable delicacy can bring and harm, but, fortunately, - not all.

People who are obese should refrain from excessive consumption of this product, since the presence of sugar implies the presence of "fast" carbohydrates, which contribute to the appearance of our extra pounds.

Suffering gastritis with high acidity, allergies and diabetics, it is also better to give up jam jam.