Pepper Atlant

Pepper Atlant or pepper Atlant F1 is one of the most popular varieties of sweet pepper . This variety has an excellent characteristic, so its quality is increasingly attracted to garden garden lovers. First, it should be noted good yield of this variety of pepper. Also it should be mentioned that sweet pepper Atlant F1 has excellent taste qualities, as well as appearance - its bright red color invariably attracts a glance, like a bright flower in the garden. In general, all the merits of this variety, we can say, are obvious. So let's get more acquainted with the Atlanta pepper cultivar in order to know its more detailed characteristics, as well as the rules of its cultivation.

Pepper Atlant - description

  1. Description of the fetus . Pepper color is bright red. Its length is twenty-six centimeters, so this sort pleases not only with the color of the fruit, but also by their not small sizes, yet this pepper was called Atlant for no reason. The flesh of the fruit is juicy and fragrant.
  2. Terms of maturation . Sweet pepper Atlant belongs to early ripening varieties. From the time of the emergence of mass shoots to technical ripeness, one hundred and ten to twenty-twenty days pass, and before the ripeness of the biological one, one hundred and thirty-one hundred and forty-four days. So this pepper quite quickly and early will please you with its delicious fruits.
  3. Productivity . Yield in this variety is quite high - three to five kilograms per square meter. So you can enjoy not only the size of the fruit, but also their number.
  4. Purpose . You can use this sort of pepper as fresh, as well as in home cooking and canning. Atlant will be tasty in any form, which undoubtedly is its great advantage, since the versatility of the fruit is very much appreciated by the housewives, who like to cook a variety of dishes.
  5. Commodity qualities . Also it can not but rejoice that this pepper is simply perfectly stored and long retains its beautiful appearance. So it is perfect for growing for sale, as it will undoubtedly attract buyers' attention.
  6. Resistance to diseases . Pepper Atlas is also characterized by good resistance to various diseases. In addition, this strain of sweet pepper is not terrible tobacco mosaic virus, often affecting other varieties.

The main advantage of this variety is undoubtedly the high quality of the fruit, which is undoubtedly the main thing in any fruit-bearing plant.

Pepper Atlant - cultivation

The first step in cultivation is buying seeds of pepper Atlant or immediately seedlings. If you get seedlings, you can immediately land it in the soil, if the seeds, then you will need to do first the growing of seedlings. So here you can choose the way that is more convenient for you.

The depth of sowing should be one to three centimeters. Sowing scheme - 50x35 centimeters. The time for sowing is March. Harvesting this variety of pepper is produced in June. It should be borne in mind that the bush pepper can grow quite high (up to one meter), so if you need to tie the stems. Cultivate a variety of pepper Atlant can be, both in the open ground, and in a hothouse.

Too much care of pepper Atlant does not require. He just needs a good watering, loosening the soil and, of course, feeding. So caring for this pepper will not take you much time, and the harvest will bring a lot of joy.

Varieties of pepper Atlanta are praised by many truck farmers, as its harvest is plentiful, the fruits are delicious, and this sort does not require special care. In general, almost the ideal dream of any gardener. So if you can not decide which grade of pepper to choose for your garden, then choose the Atlanta variety.