Dosing tomatoes at home

Dosing tomatoes is a process when they ripen at home. This procedure has its advantages. Tomatoes that are ripped green or slightly browned are more delicious after they are ripe, compared to tomatoes left to ripen on the bushes.

Tomatoes in the home

Considering the question of how to conduct tomato dosage, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​which methods of tomato tillage exist. The main ones are the following:

  1. The most common method of greening a green tomato involves the implementation of such an algorithm of action. First, the selection of healthy, unaffected fruits with the presence of the peduncle. They are placed in a box, placing in 2-3 layers. In this case, tomatoes need to be shifted with paper or shavings. Boxes are covered with some material, so that the fruits are in darkened conditions. This prevents the decay of tomatoes. Then they are placed in a room with a temperature of 12-15 ° C and a humidity of 85% and left for 30-40 days. First, larger tomatoes will ripen, and then fruits of a smaller size. If you put some ripe tomatoes in a box, they will start to release ethylene gas, which accelerates the ripening process.
  2. Another way is to pull out the bushes of plants from the ground and hang them up with roots in some room.
  3. It is possible to dig out bushes of tomatoes together with clods of the earth and to arrange them in boxes. Every 7-10 days watering is done. As the tomatoes are sung, they are collected from the bushes.
  4. You can also dozadrovanie tomatoes at home in the following way. It is necessary to cut the bushes with fruits and lay them with the tips in the middle of the stack with a height of 60-80 cm. To create a blackout effect, they are covered with straw on top. Every 5-6 days check the condition of the fruit. Ripened tomatoes are harvested, and the remaining ones are again covered with straw and left to ripen.

Many who first decided to tackle this process, are interested in the question: Do you need to wash the tomatoes before the dosage? Any experienced gardener will answer that in no case should this be done. The explanation for this is that on the surface of tomatoes are natural yeast.

Thus, you can choose for yourself the most suitable method of tomato pickling to get ripe and delicious fruits.