Education of children in the family

It seems that even more recently you have learned that you will become parents, and it's been nine months already, and a little defenseless little man has already been born. He brought to your home not only joy and hope, but also a great responsibility, because what kind of person a baby grows up depends on you.

Great role of the family in the upbringing of the child, because it is in this cell of our society that the child is most of the time. It is here that it is formed as a person. Here he feels care, affection and love. In families where mutual understanding reigns, and respect usually grows good children. Many believe that the most important thing in raising a child, that the baby was fed, cleanly dressed and went to bed on time. But this is an erroneous opinion. Education - a difficult job that requires a lot of energy and energy. After all, parents have to not only words, but also personal example to educate their children.

From the first days of his life the child feels the influence of mom and dad. This is one of the main methods of raising children in the family. But not always a personal example helps to get a positive result. Then it is worthwhile to apply other methods of education. Two of them we know the "carrot" method and the "carrot" method very well. For good deeds the child is encouraged, but for the bad - punished. Sometimes you have to spend a lot of effort to convince the child of the wrongness of his actions. Prove to him that he did very badly. But if this happened, then his memory will retain all the arguments we have given for a long time. Persuasion is another method of raising a child in the family.

The basis of raising children from the ages was labor. It is necessary to teach a child to work from an early age. Otherwise, your hopes in the future may not be justified. Children will grow up to be real loafers and egoists. You can not release them from work duties. Regardless, what is the financial situation of the family, every child should have his own responsibilities in the home. It must be done responsibly and without reminding them.

Do not forget that raising your child, you should not allow for stereotypedness. Each child is a separate world: some children are more mobile, others are brave and resolute, while others are on the contrary slow, shy and resentful. But the approach must be found to all. And the sooner this approach is found, the less problems the child will create in the future.

In most families, emotions and feelings for your child are brought to the forefront. Rarely, which of the parents tries to evaluate their child, we love and accept it as it is. This is the main feature of the upbringing of children in the family. And although we often hear that you will never spoil the child's love, it's not true. From great love we indulge all his whims, ready to fulfill any of his wishes. By this behavior we spoil our child. Loving a child, we must be able to refuse him. If we can not do this, then we have problems in raising children in the family. Letting the kid do anything, we cover our weakness with love.

Moral education of children

Speaking about the education of children in the family, we must not forget about their morality. What is it? From the very first days of life, still not being able to talk and move around, the child begins to "evaluate" the situation in the family. A calm affectionate tone in conversation, respect for each other will help to develop moral needs in the child. Constant shouting, swearing, rudeness will lead to negative results. Moral education in the family begins with: responsiveness, kindness, intransigence to the manifestation of evil.

From all that has been said, we see that the role of the family in the upbringing of the child is enormous. The first knowledge, behavior, habits that a person will receive in the family, will remain with him for all years of life.