Radermacher - care

Radermacher is a rather interesting plant, some species of which was described by the Dutch botanist Radermacher, in whose honor it was named. So what care is needed for a plant with such an interesting name "Radermacher"? In this we will now understand.

Radermacher - care and reproduction

Radermacher plant is blooming and with proper care it even blooms. True, rarely, more and more often, delighting their owners with beautiful shiny leaves, a rich green color. How to achieve such a result to look after the plant of the Radermacher? First you need to correctly determine the future location of the flower. It should be a well-lit place, protected from drafts. And the light for Radermasters is desirable scattered, but bright. In winter, lighting is necessary, and in the summer, shading from active sunlight. With too bright light, the leaves of the Radermeer turn yellow and dry on the tips. For lack of lighting, the plant reacts by the appearance of small and dull leaves, and with a serious shortage of light, the leaves of the Radermeer fall off.

In the spring-summer period, the optimum temperature for the plant will be 20-25 ° C, and in the winter period the radiator feels well at 16-18 ° C. In principle, the plant can winter at a higher temperature, but cool conditions are more desirable, while the temperature below 14 ° C should not be lowered.

Watering from the beginning of warming abundant, but the top layer of soil should be allowed to dry. With the onset of cold weather, watering should be gradually reduced to a moderate one, and leave it this way throughout the winter. Watering should only be done with soft water. It is impossible to overdry an earthen mound, as well as to transfuse a plant. Overflow of the Radermacher is very bad, the leaves turn yellow and fall off, and the plant dies.

The Radermacher tolerates the dry air of apartments rather well, but does not have anything against air humidification. This can be done with the help of periodic spraying and placing next to the plant containers with wet shingles. In hot weather, you can bathe the radermacher under the shower.

Top dressing is required from April to September. Make it fertilizer every 15-20 days. In winter, the Radermacher feels great without additional food, so you can stop feeding.

Crown Radermasters are easy to form. To do this, you need to gently prick the top shoots to give a more fluffy appearance to the plant.

Transplantation of a young Radermeer is required every year, and more mature plants need a transplant every 2-3 years, only when the earthen is completely filled with roots. Transplant the flowers in spring in pots a little larger diameter. When transplanting it is not bad to cut the tips of the shoots a little and slightly shorten the roots. The land for the Radermacher is suitable for any deciduous plants. Or you can prepare the mixture yourself, taking sod, humus, peat and leafy ground in the proportion of 1: 1: 1: 2. Also you need to remember about the need for drainage - a layer of expanded clay or pebbles on the bottom of the pot.

Reproduction of the Radermacher is made by air layers and cuttings. For reproduction by air layers it is necessary to choose a well developed branch, make an incision and wrap it with damp moss and polyethylene. Soon, the roots appear on the cutting site when they fill the bag, the shoot is separated from the main plant and planted in a separate pot. The location of the cut is treated with garden sauce. Cuttings are produced in spring or early summer. The upper parts of the shoots are cut in length of 7-10 cm and are planted in a mixture (1: 1) of sand and peat. Pot with cuttings covered with polyethylene and put in heat (23-25 ​​° C). As the substrate dries, it is aired and sprayed.

Diseases and pests Radermeery

If a plant leaves leaves, then this is a consequence of insufficient watering. Drops the leaves of the radermacher more often when afflicted with a spider mite, mealybug or aphid. The first thing you need to do is wash the leaves and stems with soapy water. In case of serious injury, the radermacher is sprayed with one of the insecticides.