Mandarin tree - care

Mandarin is a perennial evergreen plant. With proper care, the indoor mandarin tree grows to 1 meter in height, blooms, and even fructifies - on a small tree it can grow to 50-70 mandarins. They mature by the autumn and can last several months on the tree. But for a mandarin tree to please you with fruits, you need to take care of it. How to plant a decorative mandarin tree, what care it takes, and whether the plant needs pruning, we'll talk about all this.

How to care for a mandarin tree?

Care for the mandarin tree begins with choosing the right location. At a mandarin tree at a lack of light leaves fall down, therefore the plant is better for arranging at southern, southwest and southeast windows. In summer, the plant protects the plant from direct sunlight, and in winter it is desirable to light the mandarin tree. In summer, the citrus can be taken out into the open air, in a place protected from the wind, and if there is a garden, then drop a mandarin tree in a pot into the soil.

The ideal temperature for growing a mandarin tree is 16-18 ° C. At a higher temperature, the leaves of the mandarin tree, of course, do not fall off, but with flowers such a trouble can happen. Although the fall of some part of the ovary is considered normal, and it occurs twice - after falling off the petals, and after reaching the fruits of the size of a small nut. The mandarin tree has a period of rest when the plant stops growing. At this time, the temperature should be lowered to 10-14 ° C, if you do not do this, you can not wait. But beware of the sharp temperature drop, the tree will not like it. To any change it needs to be accustomed gradually.

How to water a mandarin tree so that it does not wither? In the warm season, you need to do this abundantly, so that the earthmass is fully soaked. In winter, watering should be reduced in order to prevent stagnation of water. But if winter mandarin remains in a warm room, then adjust the watering do not.

Air humidity is important for all citrus plants, so it should be increased by all available means - spraying of plants, placing next to the tree of containers with wet pebbles, wiping leaves with a damp cloth. The latter is recommended to be done only with older plants, because young leaves are easily damaged. Also in the summer you can arrange bathing mandarin under the shower, it will stimulate its growth. If the plant is kept in winter in a cool room, sprayings should be stopped.

To feed a mandarin tree it is necessary in the spring-and-summer period regularly, time in 2 weeks. Fertilizers preferably use organic, chemical, however, use at a minimum and only alternating with organic.

How to transplant mandarin tree?

Transplantation to 4 years of age is performed annually, then every 3-4 years. Pot you need to pick a couple of centimeters more than the previous, too large pots do not need to use - the soil will turn sour. Transplanting mandarin, the root neck can not be deepened - the bark is damaged, an infection appears and the plant dies. Soil is needed light and nutritious, drainage is mandatory.

How to plant a mandarin tree?

Reproduction of the mandarin tree is carried out by cuttings, air layers, seeds and grafting. Air layers are suitable for old trees, where you can choose a well-formed branch. Cuttings can not be used for all varieties. Seeds give good results, but fruiting can be expected for a long time. To accelerate the process, the plant is planted. The kidney is taken from the middle part of the cuttings of the fruiting tree and gently placed in the T-shaped incision into the rootstock. Place the vaccine wrapped with tape and remove it when the kidney has taken root.

Trimming a mandarin tree

To speed fruiting, mandarin should be cut. For this, the apical shoots are pricked in time to allow the mandarin to branch. In addition, all weak and thickening branches also need to be removed.