Dreams from Friday to Saturday

Interpreters of dreams say that the day of the week in which the dreamer saw a dream is of great importance. Some days are considered empty, but certain days contain signs and clues. Dreams from Friday to Saturday are special.

Сонник с пятницы на субботу

  1. Visions from Friday to Saturday are under the control of Saturn, a planet with a very powerful energy. It is for this reason that dreams are fateful. To correctly interpret the dream, it is necessary to remember it to the smallest detail. Specialists recommend that you record your sleep right after you wake up. Otherwise, there is a great chance to forget it forever.
  2. Consider one dream. By his analogy, anyone can be interpreted. If a girl has a boyfriend, the vision is favorable. He may be familiar or unfamiliar. An important role is played by the impression of a dream as a whole. If the girl received a good feeling , soon there will be pleasant events related to the meeting of her betrothed. Moreover, there is a high probability that the union will be happy. But if the dream was grim, the future relationship can bring suffering. This sign should be regarded as caution. This does not mean that we should break off relations. But do not rush into the pool.
  3. In principle, any somber sleep on the night from Friday to Saturday indicates a danger. Bad signs are fences, winding and dark roads, roads with a dead end, intersections, etc. In all likelihood, there will be a problem or an obstacle in life, so you should think carefully about what can happen. If there are assumptions, it is necessary to try to avoid the development of negative events. The wide, bright and straight road symbolizes global and pleasant changes, for example, marriage, change of work, residence, new friends, travel, etc.
  4. If from Friday to Saturday the crossroads are dreamed, the dreamer has to make an important decision. Perhaps he put off important matters, so the dream does not seem to hint. It is possible that the small details of sleep will help to make the right decision. According to psychologists, such dreams do not come easily. If a person is too much preoccupied with a situation or thinks a lot about it, it activates the subconscious mind, which produces night vision.
  5. Scientists came to the conclusion that most of the dreams express the emotional experiences of a person. If dreams are dreamed too often, it makes sense to rest and not get hung up on solving problems. The subconscious must also rest, otherwise serious psychological disorders may occur.
  6. Often in dreams our present, past and future intersect. Do not be upset because of a bad dream. It is important to know that dreams come true very quickly. If within seven days nothing terrible has happened, we can assume that everything is in order.
  7. When interpreting sleep, it is important to listen to your own intuition. Do not take it literally. For example, death can symbolize the beginning of something great, global life changes. Dream, dreamed from Friday to Saturday, symbolizes only one of the options for the possible development of events. Changing your actions or lifestyle will help you make the right turn.

Given all of the above, we can conclude that dreams from Friday to Saturday are not always prophetic. They can express the current state of a person. Bad dreams warn of danger through signs. Do not regard them as a direct signal to the disaster, they just advise to rethink their behavior.