Medicine for poisoning

Summer is a season of holidays and, naturally, most of the holidaymakers tend to go to the seashore, breathe fresh brackish air, take a dip in warm clean water. But, at the same time, the danger of poisoning is very high in the summer, especially if the habitual diet and diet are disturbed. Consider what better to take medicine and drugs for poisoning, how to cope with its symptoms.

Drugs for food poisoning

Going to rest, every sensible woman collects a first aid kit with the necessary preparations. In order to cope with food poisoning , you must have the following medicines with you:

  1. Sorbents.
  2. Restorers of water-salt balance.
  3. Spasmolytics.
  4. Antipyretic.
  5. Probiotics.

Symptoms of poisoning are manifested 30-120 minutes after the entry of pathogenic bacteria into the body. The sooner the therapy begins, the sooner the victim will return to normal life. To suspect food poisoning can be by the most recognizable signs, such as nausea, painful colic in the abdomen, vomiting, intestinal disorders, bloating and flatulence, fever, weakness.

Preparations for the treatment of poisoning

To eliminate the causative agent of the disease and remove toxins from the body, formed as a result of the multiplication of bacteria, food poisoning is taken by sorbents - drugs that bind harmful substances and block their absorption in the intestine and purify the blood. These include:

The above funds help clean the walls of the intestines from toxins, prevent them from getting into the blood vessels. Among other things, activated carbon effectively cleanses blood and lymph.

Because of the abundant loss of fluid, it is necessary to take restorative water-salt balance preparations for the treatment of poisoning. The most effective and easy to use is the regridron. This medicine for several hours helps to cope with increased acidity of the internal environment of the digestive tract (acidosis).

Removing the pain syndrome and lowering the temperature is possible with such medications as no-spa, nimesil, omez. It is worth remembering that not too high a temperature (up to 38 degrees) does not need to be knocked down, as it signals an independent struggle of the body's immune system with the disease.

After alleviating the condition, the digestive system of the affected person, especially the intestines, still needs help, because the microflora is disturbed during poisoning. To solve this problem, it is desirable to take probiotics - drugs containing beneficial bacteria. These include bifidumbacterin, bifiform, linex.

What medicines to drink when poisoning with medications?

Most often, such problems arise in families with young children. Kids love the sweet and do not understand the difference between sweets and dangerous medicines in the sugar shell. When poisoning with drugs, you should immediately provide first aid:

  1. Call an ambulance.
  2. Rinse the stomach and intestines. To do this, it is necessary to give the affected person plenty of water at room temperature and induce vomiting, the procedure can be repeated, and also make a cleansing enema with warm water.
  3. To give a drink to sorbents or, if there are no such drugs at hand, squirrels of chicken eggs, from 5 to 10 pieces.

In no case should you feed and milk the patient with dairy products, since with them the medications are quickly absorbed into the intestines and get into the blood.