Dresses of the 19th century

Clothes - a kind of mirror that reflects the trends of a certain era. And it's not just about fashion, it's about culture, philosophy, politics and the general atmosphere of a particular time period. The 19th century, as well as other centuries, is characterized by a certain ideal of beauty of a woman, expressed through outfits and accessories. Dresses of the 19th century were repeatedly subjected to cardinal changes, because during this period a coup took place in people's minds. Religious principles, utilitarian thinking, mythological perception changed, but all this was reflected on clothes.

From theatricality to practicality

The styles of dresses of the beginning of the 19th century resembled the era of Antiquity. They were long, lush, somewhat theatrical. But only a decade later, the imperial grotesque rococo style replaced the empire , which is distinguished by its simplicity and laconicism. Women quickly appreciated the benefits of dresses in the Greek style, exchanging them for complex and not always comfortable outfits. Lightweight fabrics, high waist, ribbon under the chest, deep neckline, a flashlight sleeve, the length in the floor - this was the fashionable women's dress of the early 19th century. The color scheme was reduced to shades of blue, red and white, and complemented the outfit with ballets, tying the ankles with silk ribbons.

In the thirties of the 19th century, dresses changed. As before, the waist in them remained overstated, but the bodice was replaced by a seductive corset. The hem was shaped like a bell, which was provided by a frame made of metal, as well as starched podsyubniki. Queen Victoria, who was a fashionable woman, "lowered" the waist to her rightful place, and added to the sleeves of dresses the volume with the help of metal frames. A distinctive feature, which had and ballroom, and wedding, and even home dresses of the 19th century, was a luxurious finish and incredible pomp of the hem. Talk about the practicality of these models is not necessary, but in terms of romanticism, the image of equals is not.

In the sixties of the 19th century, rococo dresses again became fashionable, but now they have acquired luxuriant ruffles, denticles along the edge of the hem and sleeves, and a carved rim. A successful addition to these dresses ladies considered elegant hats, high caps, gloves, fishnet umbrellas, shawls, boa , fur clutches, as well as lace-up shoes and jewelry. After decades, the gorgeous hem became even more voluminous due to the bustle - a special pads or an elastic frame, emphasizing the female buttocks. The silhouette remained slim and tall.

The end of the 19th century was marked by the appearance of the first fashion houses, a large-scale development of light industry. Unfortunately, women's dresses have lost their exclusivity, as they were wrung out, as if under a carbon paper, in lots. Silhouettes were becoming more simple, used for tailoring materials - more affordable. But in the event there were many pluses, because almost every woman could dress fashionably. In addition, the dresses became more practical and comfortable to wear, which could not but rejoice.

And today, the echoes of the past era are notable in fashion. Suffice it to demand wedding dresses in the style of the 19th century, and elements such as a corset, sleeves, flashlights and magnificent frills are often used by designers in the development of modern models. It can not be said that fashion of the 19th century was practical, but not always when choosing a dress, this criterion is in the first place. Beauty, tenderness, romanticism and femininity - this is what guides girls who prefer dresses in the style of the 19th century.